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How to manage and engage employees during a recession
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Hi {{first_name}},

As we all know, a recession can be a difficult time for managing a team. It’s important to remain flexible and think outside the box in order to motivate and retain your team members.

Try to implement creative solutions to help alleviate the financial strain on your team. You could discuss ways to reduce expenses, such as cutting back on travel and entertainment costs but come up with alternatives to make downtime away from work relaxing and rewarding.

It’s important to remain focused on the team’s goals. This means maintaining open communication with everyone and providing reassurance that the team will succeed. You should also be encouraging team members to be productive and look for ways to streamline processes.

Be sure to recognize and reward your team members for their hard work. This can be done through small bonuses if possible, promotions, or simply by saying thank you. Doing so will show your team that you appreciate their efforts, even in difficult times.

This can, understandably, be a difficult time for you personally and professionally as well. Be sure not to spread yourself too thin. If you have any questions, concerns, or needs, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you, 

People Team

How to manage and engage employees during a recession
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Hi {{first_name}}, 👋

A recession can be a difficult time for managing a team. It’s important to remain flexible and think outside the box in order to motivate and retain your team members. 📣

Try to implement creative solutions to help alleviate the financial strain on your team. You could discuss ways to reduce expenses, such as cutting back on travel and entertainment costs while coming up with alternatives to make downtime away from work relaxing and rewarding.🚶🌳

It’s important to remain focused on the team’s goals. 🎯 This means maintaining open communication with everyone and providing reassurance that the team will succeed. You should also encourage team members to be productive and look for ways to streamline processes.

Be sure to recognize and reward your team members for their hard work. 🏅 This can be done through small bonuses if possible, promotions, or simply by saying thank you. Doing so will show your team that you appreciate their efforts, even in difficult times.

This can, understandably, be a difficult time for you personally and professionally as well. Be sure not to spread yourself too thin. 🤗 If you have any questions, concerns, or needs, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you, 

People Team

How to manage and engage employees during a recession
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Hi {{first_name}},

A recession can be a difficult time for managing a team. It’s important to remain flexible and think outside the box in order to motivate and retain your team members.

  • Identify creative solutions to help alleviate the financial strain on your team. 
  • Remain focused on the team’s goals. 
  • Maintain open communication and provide reassurance that the team will succeed.
  • Encourage team members to be productive and look for ways to streamline processes.
  • Recognize and reward individuals for their hard work. 

Remember not to stretch yourself too thin. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions or concerns.

People Team

Recommended Send Time:
Start of economic downturn
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams 1:1
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How managers can keep direct reports engaged during a recession

Any shift in the economy or market that threatens instability is likely to put employees on guard. Managing a team during a recession can be a daunting task, but there are several tips you can use to help ensure that your team remains productive, energized, and engaged.

1. Communicate frequently. The most important thing you can do to manage a team during a recession is to communicate regularly. Make sure everyone is on the same page and has a clear understanding of what is expected of them.

2. Encourage collaboration. During challenging times, it is important to foster collaboration among team members. Encourage team members to work together to find creative solutions to problems, and recognize and reward team efforts.

3. Focus on morale. During tough economic times, it is important to keep morale high. Set aside time to recognize individual and team accomplishments and make sure everyone is aware of the progress that is being made.

4. Be flexible. Be open to new ideas and new ways of working. Encourage team members to come up with innovative solutions to problems and be willing to make adjustments as needed.

5. Prioritize. During a recession, it can be difficult to know where to focus your efforts. Prioritize tasks, projects, and goals to ensure that the most important tasks are being completed.

Inspiration from other companies

Need help managing your team during a recession? Contact ChangeEngine for expert advice!