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Tips for how to be a great manager
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Hi {{first_name}},

As a manager, you have a great opportunity to lead your team to success. You can inspire your team, create a positive work environment, and help everyone reach their goals.

In order to be a great manager, keep these tips in mind.

  1. Communicate clearly and effectively.
  2. Show appreciation for your team’s efforts.
  3. Set clear expectations and goals.
  4. Encourage team collaboration.
  5. Provide feedback and help when needed.
  6. Foster a positive work environment.
  7. Delegate tasks appropriately.
  8. Listen to your team’s ideas and concerns.
  9. Make decisions with integrity and fairness.
  10. Lead by example.

Additionally, it's important to use your resources. A leader is only as strong as their team. We're all on the same team here at {{company}}. Remember, the door is always open for questions and concerns. we’re invested in your growth and satisfaction as a manager.

Thank you, 

People Team

Tips for how to be a great manager
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Hi {{first_name}}, 👋

As a manager, you can inspire your team, create a positive work environment, and help everyone reach their goals! 😀

In order to be a great manager, there are several steps you can take.

📣 Communicate clearly and effectively.

👏 Show appreciation for your team’s efforts.

🎯 Set clear expectations and goals.

👫 Encourage team collaboration.

👍 Provide feedback and help when needed.

🙂 Foster a positive work environment.

🫵 Delegate tasks appropriately.

👂 Listen to your team’s ideas and concerns.

⚖️ Make decisions with integrity and fairness.

🗺️ Lead by example.

Additionally, it's important that you use your resources. A leader is only as strong as their team. 💪We're all on the same team here at {{company}}. Remember, the door is always open for questions and concerns. we’re invested in your growth and satisfaction as a manager.

Thank you! 🙏

Your People Team

Tips for how to be a great manager
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Hi {{first_name}},

As a manager, you have a great opportunity to lead your team to success. In order to be a great manager, there are several tips to keep in mind:

  1. Communicate clearly and effectively.
  2. Show appreciation for your team’s efforts.
  3. Set clear expectations and goals.
  4. Encourage team collaboration.
  5. Provide feedback and help when needed.
  6. Foster a positive work environment.
  7. Delegate tasks appropriately.
  8. Listen to your team’s ideas and concerns.
  9. Make decisions with integrity and fairness.
  10. Lead by example.

Additionally, it's important that you use your resources. Remember, the door is always open for questions and concerns. 

People Team

Recommended Send Time:
1 day after promotion to manager
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams 1:1
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How managers can learn great leadership traits

Taking on a leadership position at any level means accepting greater responsibility. Often, when people look forward to a promotion, they hope to elevate into a position that relieves them of the burden of their workload in a lower-level role. What is not always obvious is that as a manager, they are still responsible for those goals being met.

A great manager recognizes the contributions of everyone on the team and consistently seeks to understand ways they can empower each team member to work more efficiently and with higher engagement with their work. This means building strong relationships with team members, staying involved with projects without micro-managing or obstructing progress, and taking feedback to improve workflow, ease workloads, and facilitate collaboration across the team. It's also necessary to have high emotional intelligence and show empathy.

Many people naturally possess strong leadership qualities, but becoming a great manager requires time, patience, and dedication. Building meaningful connections, creating trust and rapport, and putting people first are all essential characteristics of an effective leader. To cultivate these traits, managers must hone their communication, delegation, and decisiveness skills, as well as demonstrate respect, accountability, agility, passion, empathy, and self-awareness. With the right tools and practices, anyone can become a great manager and help their team reach the highest level of success.

Inspiration from other companies

Looking for ways to help your managers be great at managing? Speak with us at ChangeEngine for resources and support!