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How to build trust in the workplace
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Hi {{first_name}},

While it may seem overwhelming, leadership roles present unique opportunities to make a difference. The trust placed in leaders is an honor.

Building trust is a process for most team leaders and I'm here to help guide and support you as you develop meaningful relationships with your team. The first step in building trust is establishing reliable communication. Get in front of team members and learn what they expect from you.

It's important to keep in mind that humility and vulnerability are important qualities that help us connect with others. A great way to gain the trust of your team is to show that you're human. Assure them early in the relationship-building process you are accessible and approachable.


Actively listening to employees makes you more relatable, while being consistent and transparent nurtures confidence in your leadership and actions. Most importantly, be yourself. A facade will wear down with time and break down trust with employees. If you show up and offer your genuine self to your team from day one, they will trust they can rely on you.

My door is always open to address your questions and concerns. Please do not hesitate to reach out any time on your journey to building lasting and invaluable trust with your team.

Thank you,

People Team

How to build trust in the workplace
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Welcome to the exciting world of leadership! 🌟 It's like being the captain of an epic adventure, and we're here to be your trusty co-pilots!

Building trust is like crafting a masterpiece. It takes time, but the end result is totally worth it! Here are some awesome tips to help you become a trust-building ninja:

🤝 Open the lines of communication - Connect with your team and discover what they expect from you. Be the leader who listens and understands. We're talking superhero-level communication skills here!

💗 Embrace your inner human - Trust is all about connection. Show your team you're not a robot in a suit, but a real, relatable human being. Let them see your humility, vulnerability, and, of course, your dazzling personality!

🗣️ Be a master listener - Actively listen to your employees and make them feel heard. It's like music to their ears! Being consistent and transparent adds some serious trust-building superpowers too!

🤗 Be your authentic self - No masks or capes needed here! Just be YOU from day one. Your team will appreciate your genuine self and trust that they can count on you through thick and thin.

Remember, we're always here to support you on your leadership journey. If you have any questions or concerns, just give us a shout!

You're doing amazing things, {{first_name}}!

How to build trust in the workplace
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Hi {{first_name}},

Building trust is a process for most team leaders and I'm here to help guide and support you as you develop meaningful relationships with your team.

Step 1: Establish reliable communication. Get in front of team members and learn what they expect from you. 

Step 2: Show your employees that you are human. Humility and vulnerability are important qualities that help us connect.

Step 3: Actively listening to employees makes you more relatable, while being consistent and transparent nurtures confidence in your leadership.

Step 4: Most importantly, be yourself. 

People Team

Recommended Send Time:
4 days after promotion to manager
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams 1:1
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How to build trust in the workplace as a manager

Trust is the most important ingredient in an effective working relationship between a manager and their team. Research shows that employees who are less trusted by their manager are less productive and more likely to leave an organization. While employees who do feel trusted are higher performers and put in more effort at work.

Building trust with employees requires authenticity, transparency, and approachability in leadership. Managers can work toward earning and keeping employee trust by being reliable, and consistent, and keeping lines of communication open at all times.

It also helps for managers to be relatable which requires some vulnerability. However, the best managers find a balance between being too familiar and too authoritative. Being knowledgeable but open to feedback, professional but fun, and having the organizational skills to oversee a project but not afraid to get their hands dirty to help their team succeed are a few ways managers can build trust in the workplace.

Inspiration from other companies

Want to build trust with your team? Let ChangeEngine help you create a communication plan that fosters trust. Chat with us today!