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Let us unite for a better world!
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Hi everyone,

We are excited to share with you that in honor of Humanitarian Day, we will be taking part in a special initiative aimed at making a positive impact in our community. I invite each and every one of you to join us in this meaningful endeavor.

Humanitarian Day, observed on [Date], is a global celebration of the spirit of humanitarianism and the efforts made to alleviate the suffering of others. It serves as a reminder of our responsibility to support those in need and make a difference in the lives of others.

To mark this occasion, our company has organized a donation drive in support of [a local charity or cause]. We will be collecting items such as non-perishable food, clothing, toiletries, and other essential supplies that can be of great help to those facing challenging circumstances in our community.

I encourage you all to participate in this initiative by bringing in any items you are willing to donate this month. Donation bins will be placed at various locations throughout the office, making it easy for you to contribute.

Additionally, we will also be organizing a volunteer day where interested employees can dedicate their time and skills to directly assist the chosen charity or cause. This will be a wonderful opportunity to engage in hands-on support and witness the impact our efforts can have on others.

There will be two different times available to volunteer, so as many people can make it as possible.

Volunteer Day will be on:

  • [date] at [time]
  • [date] at [time]

By participating in these activities, we not only contribute to the well-being of our community but also strengthen our commitment to social responsibility and empathy.

Stay tuned for further details regarding the donation drive and volunteer day. If you have any suggestions or ideas for other ways we can contribute, please feel free to share them with the HR department.

Thank you for your support and enthusiasm in making this initiative a success. Together, we can create a greater impact and bring about positive change.

Thank you, 

People Team

Let us unite for a better world!
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Hi everyone 👋

Today is World Humanitarian Day! 🌍⛑️ This day provides an opportunity for us to recognize and celebrate the tireless efforts of humanitarian workers around the globe who dedicate their lives to helping those in need.

World Humanitarian Day serves as a reminder that even the smallest acts of compassion and kindness can create a significant impact. It's a day to honor those who selflessly serve humanity and inspire others to get involved in making a positive difference.

To participate in World Humanitarian Day:

  • 🫶 Perform random acts of kindness, such as offering support to a colleague, sharing uplifting messages, or making a donation to a charity. Let's cultivate an atmosphere of kindness within our workplace.
  • 📣 If you've been involved in humanitarian initiatives or organizations, share your experiences. Your stories, photos, or testimonials can inspire others and raise awareness of the impact of humanitarian work.
  • 🙌 Research and identify humanitarian organizations aligned with your values. Consider making personal contributions or organizing group fundraising efforts to support their missions.

Let's embrace the spirit of World Humanitarian Day and reaffirm our commitment to compassion, empathy, and social responsibility.

Thank you 🙏

People Team

Let us unite for a better world!
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Hi all,

Humanitarian Day, August 19th, is a global celebration of the spirit of humanitarianism and the efforts made to alleviate the suffering of others.

Our company has organized a donation drive in support of [a local charity or cause]. We will be collecting non-perishable food, clothing, toiletries, and other essential supplies.

Donation bins will be placed at various locations throughout the office. 

There will also be two different times available to volunteer in the community.

Volunteer Days will be held on:

  • [date] at [time]
  • [date] at [time]

Stay tuned for further details regarding the donation drive and volunteer day. If you have any suggestions or ideas for other ways we can contribute, please feel free to share them with the HR department.

Thank you for your support and enthusiasm in making this initiative a success.

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
On World Humanitarian Day (August 19th)
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
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How to celebrate World Humanitarian Day at work

World Humanitarian Day, marked on August 19th, pays tribute to the bravery and commitment of humanitarian workers who face danger and adversity to help others. The date was designated by the United Nations in memory of the 22 people killed during the 2003 bombing at the UN headquarters in Baghdad. It’s a day to remember those who have lost their lives in humanitarian service and to celebrate the spirit of aid work that continues to bring relief to millions of people worldwide.

At work, observing World Humanitarian Day can cultivate a spirit of global citizenship and social responsibility. It's an opportunity for businesses to raise awareness of international issues, encourage a culture of giving, and show solidarity with global humanitarian efforts. Celebrating this day can also enhance a company’s social impact and employee engagement by connecting their daily work to broader societal goals.

To honor World Humanitarian Day in your workplace, you can:

  • Educate your team about humanitarian issues through discussions and events.
  • Conduct fundraising drives for humanitarian causes, matching employee donations.
  • Organize volunteer opportunities aligned with humanitarian work.
  • Highlight the humanitarian efforts and achievements of employees.
  • Empower staff to lead and propose activities or initiatives to observe the day.

Inspiration from other companies

Ready to boost your company's CSR initiatives and impact? Reach out to ChangeEngine today to plan and execute effective CSR events that resonate with your team and make a real difference. Let's create a better world together. 🌍💡