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Let's come together on International Day of Charity!
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Hi everyone, 

We are excited to announce a new initiative in observation of International Day of Charity on September 5th this year. 

The International Day of Charity was officially declared by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012, recognizing the importance of charitable efforts in addressing global challenges and promoting social development. It is a day to raise awareness about the incredible impact that charitable acts can have on the lives of those in need.

To mark this special occasion, we have decided to introduce a company matching program to encourage and support our employees' charitable endeavors. Starting from September 5th, for every dollar donated by an employee to a registered, designated charity, the company will match the donation up to [INSERT $ AMOUNT], effectively doubling the impact of our collective efforts.

In addition to the company matching program, we would also like to involve all of you in deciding which cause to support for the year. We are opening up the floor for suggestions. Please take a moment to think about a cause close to your heart and share it with us in reply to this email. We will hold a vote to determine the cause that our team will commit to donating to for the year on [DATE].

Some categories to consider include:

  • Mental Health
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Children's Literacy & Education
  • Homeless Shelters
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Drug & Alcohol Programs
  • Cancer Research
  • Diabetes Research
  • Refugee Transition Support

Remember, this is an opportunity for us to come together as a team and make a lasting impact on the lives of others. Let us use our collective resources and passion for good to bring about positive change in society.

We encourage you all to reflect on the importance of charity and explore ways in which you can contribute to this noble cause. Whether it's volunteering your time, donating to a charity, or participating in local initiatives, every small act of kindness counts.

Thank you for your continued dedication and support in making our workplace a compassionate and socially responsible environment. Together, we can make a difference!

Thank you, 

People Team

Let's come together on International Day of Charity!
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Hey everyone 👋

We've got some exciting news to share! In honor of the upcoming International Day of Charity on September 5th, we're launching a new initiative. 👏

The International Day of Charity is a special day recognized by the United Nations to highlight the importance of charitable efforts in tackling global challenges and promoting social development. It's all about making a positive impact on the lives of those who need it most.

To celebrate this occasion, we're introducing a company matching program to support and encourage your charitable endeavors. 💰 Starting from September 5th, for every dollar you donate to a registered charity we designate, the company will match your donation, doubling the impact of our collective efforts. How awesome is that? 🎉

But that's not all! We want your input in deciding which cause to support for the entire year. We're opening up the floor for suggestions, so please take a moment to think about a cause that's close to your heart and reply to this email with your suggestion. ✔️ We'll hold a vote to determine the cause our team will commit to donating to for the year on [DATE].

Here are some categories to consider: 🧠Mental Health, 🌳Environment & Sustainability, 📚Children's Literacy & Education, 🏠Homeless Shelters, ✋Domestic Abuse, 🛑Drug & Alcohol Programs, 🏳️‍🌈LGBTQIA+, 🎗️Cancer Research, 💙Diabetes Research, and 🤝Refugee Transition Support. We can make a real difference!

Let's remember that this is an opportunity for us to come together as a team and create lasting change. Use your resources and passion for good to bring about positive impacts in society.

We encourage all of you to reflect on the importance of charity and explore various ways you can contribute. Volunteer your time, donate to charities, or participate in local initiatives - every small act of kindness counts. 🤗

Thank you for your ongoing dedication and support in making our workplace a compassionate and socially responsible environment. Together, we can truly make a difference! Stay awesome!

🙏Your People Team

Let's come together on International Day of Charity!
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Hi all, 

In observance of International Day of Charity, starting September 5th, for every dollar donated by an employee to our designated charity, the company will match the donation up to [INSERT $ AMOUNT], effectively doubling the impact of our collective efforts.

We are opening up the floor for suggestions. Please take a moment to think about a cause close to your heart and share it with us in reply to this email. We will hold a vote to determine the cause that our team will commit to donating to for the year on [DATE].

Some categories to consider include:

  • Mental Health
  • Environment & Sustainability
  • Children's Literacy & Education
  • Homeless Shelters
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Drug & Alcohol Programs
  • Cancer Research
  • Diabetes Research
  • Refugee Transition Support

Thank you for your continued dedication and support in making our workplace a compassionate and socially responsible environment. Together, we can make a difference!

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
On International Day of Charity (September 5th)
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Slack/MS Teams Channel
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How to celebrate International Day of Charity at work with a Donation Match Campaign

International Day of Charity on September 5th is a call to action to help others through generosity and public support. Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012, it honors the values of charity and the exemplary work of figures like Mother Teresa. The day aims to alleviate humanitarian issues and aid social development by fostering a global culture of giving.

In the workplace, observing International Day of Charity is a chance to embody corporate social responsibility and strengthen team bonds through collective action. It allows companies and employees to engage in acts of kindness that resonate with their values and drive positive change in society. Celebrating this day at work can highlight a company’s commitment to societal welfare and encourage employees to contribute to a greater cause.

To mark International Day of Charity at your organization:

  • Conduct a workplace donation drive for goods or funds, choosing charities that reflect your corporate ethos.
  • Implement a donation matching program to amplify employee contributions.
  • Organize team volunteer days for local projects or charities, underlining teamwork and community service.
  • Support employee-led charity efforts, showcasing their personal commitment to causes.
  • Offer skill-based volunteering, allowing employees to provide pro bono services that utilize their professional expertise.

Inspiration from other companies

Ready to boost your company's CSR initiatives and impact? Reach out to ChangeEngine today to plan and execute effective CSR events that resonate with your team and make a real difference. Let's create a better world together. 🌍💡