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Joyous Observance of Ugadi in our Workplace
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Hi everyone, 

I hope this message finds you well. As we approach the joyous occasion of Ugadi, we would like to take this opportunity to celebrate the cultural diversity within our organization.

Ugadi, also known as the Telugu and Kannada New Year, marks the beginning of a new lunar calendar year. It is a time of joy, reflection, and festive celebrations for many of our colleagues.

As a brief cultural insight, Ugadi is celebrated with various rituals and special dishes. It symbolizes the spirit of new beginnings, hope, and prosperity. Sharing knowledge and understanding about cultural celebrations enriches our workplace and fosters a sense of unity.

For those employees who plan to take time off to observe Ugadi, we kindly request you to submit your time-off requests to the HR department at your earliest convenience. Additionally, please remember to activate your out-of-office notifications to ensure a smooth flow of communication during your absence.

To those employees who will continue working during this period, we kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation in respecting your colleagues who will be observing Ugadi. Let's foster an inclusive and supportive workplace environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated.

If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding time-off requests or any other matter, please feel free to reach out to the HR department.

Thank you for your cooperation, and let's make this Ugadi a memorable and inclusive celebration for all.

Wishing you a happy and prosperous Ugadi!

Thank you, 

People Team

Joyous Observance of Ugadi in our Workplace
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Hey everyone 👋

Hope you're all doing great! As Ugadi approaches, we're excited to dive into celebrating the awesome cultural diversity we have in our workplace.

Ugadi, or the Telugu and Kannada New Year, is around the corner, bringing in the vibes of a fresh lunar calendar year. 🌝  It's a time for joy, reflection, and festive shenanigans for many of our colleagues.

Just a quick cultural tidbit: Ugadi comes with its share of rituals and delicious special dishes. It's all about embracing new beginnings, hope, and prosperity. Sharing these cultural celebrations is a fantastic way to make our workplace even more awesome and tight-knit.

Now, if you're planning to take some time off to soak in the Ugadi spirit, please shoot over your time-off requests to our HR department ASAP. 🚀 And please don't forget to flick that switch on your out-of-office notifications to keep the communication flowing smoothly while you're away. 🙏

For those holding down the fort during this period, big shoutout! We're counting on your understanding and cooperation to make sure our colleagues observing Ugadi feel the love. Let's keep this place inclusive and supportive, where everyone knows they're valued and appreciated. 🤗

Questions or need a hand with time-off requests? Our HR squad is here for you, so hit them up.

Thanks a bunch for your cooperation, and let's make this Ugadi one for the books – full of memories and inclusivity for all.

😃 Wishing you a super happy and prosperous Ugadi!

Your People Team

Joyous Observance of Ugadi in our Workplace
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Hi all, 

As we approach the joyous occasion of Ugadi, we would like to take this opportunity to celebrate the cultural diversity within our organization.

For those employees who plan to take time off to observe Ugadi, we kindly request you to submit your time-off requests to HR. Additionally, please remember to activate your out-of-office notifications.

To those employees who will continue working, we ask for your understanding and cooperation in respecting your colleagues who will be observing Ugadi.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to the HR department.

Wishing you a happy and prosperous Ugadi!

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
On Ugadi (first day of the Hindu lunisolar calendar month of Chaitra, typically March or April)
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
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How to celebrate Ugadi at work

As we welcome the vibrant festival of Ugadi, a time-honored celebration marking the Telugu and Kannada New Year, workplaces have a unique opportunity to foster cultural inclusivity and celebrate the rich tapestry of traditions within their teams. Let's delve into the history and significance of Ugadi and explore a few tips on how to observe this auspicious day in the workplace.

Ugadi: A Time of Renewal and Reflection

Ugadi, derived from the Sanskrit words "Yuga" (age) and "Adi" (beginning), signifies the beginning of a new age. This festive occasion is celebrated with joy and enthusiasm in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka, and parts of Maharashtra. According to the lunisolar calendar, Ugadi falls on the first day of Chaitra, marking the end of winter and the onset of spring.

The significance of Ugadi lies in its association with the astronomical new moon and the belief that the Universe undergoes a cyclical renewal during this time. It's a day of reflection, gratitude, and a fresh start, symbolized by the consumption of a special mixture called "Ugadi Pachadi," which represents the diverse flavors of life – sweet, sour, bitter, tangy, and spicy.

Observing Ugadi in the Workplace:

1. Decorate the Workspace

Infuse the office with the vibrant colors of Ugadi. Consider decorating common areas with traditional motifs, flowers, and rangoli designs. This creates a festive atmosphere that everyone can enjoy.

2. Share the Significance

Take a moment to educate the team about the cultural and historical significance of Ugadi. Share the story of the festival, its rituals, and the values associated with this auspicious occasion. This can be done through team meetings, newsletters, or bulletin board displays.

3. Ugadi Pachadi Sharing

Embrace the spirit of togetherness by organizing a Ugadi Pachadi sharing session. Invite team members to bring in homemade or store-bought Ugadi Pachadi to share with their colleagues. This not only honors the tradition but also promotes a sense of community.

4. Traditional Attire Day

Encourage employees to wear traditional attire on Ugadi. This could include ethnic clothing representing the diverse cultures within the team. A "Traditional Attire Day" adds a colorful and festive touch to the workplace.

5. Customized Ugadi Gifts

Consider gifting small, thoughtful Ugadi tokens to employees. This could be a traditional sweet, a symbolic item, or a personalized card wishing them prosperity and joy in the new year. Such gestures create a warm and inclusive work environment.

6. Cultural Performances

If feasible, organize cultural performances or presentations during lunch breaks. Invite team members to showcase traditional music, dance, or storytelling related to Ugadi. This provides an opportunity for employees to share their cultural heritage with their colleagues.

Ugadi is a celebration of new beginnings, and incorporating these festivities into the workplace can strengthen team bonds and foster a sense of unity. By embracing the traditions of Ugadi, organizations not only acknowledge the diversity within their teams but also create an inclusive and vibrant work culture.

Inspiration from other companies

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