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Welcome and please check out your new brand advocate and social media kit!
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Hi {{first_name}},

We are excited to have you on board as a part of our team! We want to ensure that you are aware of our company's social media policies and how to be a successful brand advocate.

We encourage all our employees to be brand advocates and share their experiences on social media. Being a brand advocate helps promote our employer brand and attract top talent to our company.

Here are some tips on how to be a successful brand advocate:

1. Be Authentic: Share your experiences and stories about working for our company in an authentic way. This can help build trust with potential candidates and make our company more appealing.

2. Be Positive: Share positive experiences you've had while working for our company. This can help promote a positive company culture and attract top talent.

3. Follow Company Policies: Ensure that you follow our social media policies and guidelines when posting about our company. This includes not disclosing confidential information and not making negative comments about our company or competitors.

To help you become a successful brand advocate, we have created a social media kit that includes our company's logo, brand guidelines, and suggested social media posts. Please review the kit and use it as a guide when posting about our company on social media.







Headshot guidelines: [INSERT GUIDELINES]

Headshot dimensions: [INSERT DIMENSIONS]

LinkedIn banner: [ATTACH BANNER]

Zoom background: [ATTACH BACKGROUND]

If you have any questions or concerns about being a brand advocate or using social media to promote our employer brand, please do not hesitate to reach out to our HR team.

Thank you for being a part of our team, and we look forward to working with you.

Thank you, 

People Team

Welcome and please check out your new brand advocate and social media kit!
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Hey {{first_name}}! 👋

We are excited to have you on board as a part of our team! 🎉 We want to ensure that you are aware of our company's social media policies and how to be a successful brand advocate.

We encourage all our employees to be brand advocates and share their experiences on social media. 🤳 Being a brand advocate helps promote our employer brand and attract top talent to our company.

Here are some tips on how to be a successful brand advocate:

👍 Be Authentic: Share your experiences and stories about working for our company in an authentic way. This can help build trust with potential candidates and make our company more appealing.

🙂 Be Positive: Share positive experiences you've had while working for our company. This can help promote a positive company culture and attract top talent.

📑 Follow Company Policies: Ensure that you follow our social media policies and guidelines when posting about our company. This includes not disclosing confidential information and not making negative comments about our company or competitors.

🧰 To help you become a successful brand advocate, we have created a social media kit that includes our company's logo, brand guidelines, and suggested social media posts. Please review the kit and use it as a guide when posting about our company on social media.







Headshot guidelines: [INSERT GUIDELINES]

Headshot dimensions: [INSERT DIMENSIONS]

LinkedIn banner: [ATTACH BANNER]

Zoom background: [ATTACH BACKGROUND]

If you have any questions or concerns about being a brand advocate or using social media to promote our employer brand, please do not hesitate to reach out to our HR team. 🤗

Thank you for being a part of our team, and we look forward to working with you.

Thank you! 🙏 

Your People Team

Welcome and please check out your new brand advocate and social media kit!
Copy Text

Hi {{first_name}},

We encourage all our employees to be brand advocates and share their experiences on social media. To be a successful brand advocate:

1. Be Authentic

2. Be Positive

3. Follow Company Policies

Please review the branding kit and use it as a guide when posting about our company on social media.







Headshot guidelines: [INSERT GUIDELINES]

Headshot dimensions: [INSERT DIMENSIONS]

LinkedIn banner: [ATTACH BANNER]

Zoom background: [ATTACH BACKGROUND]

If you have any questions or concerns about being a brand advocate or using social media to promote our employer brand, please do not hesitate to reach out to our HR team.

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
3 days after Start Date
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
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Copy Text

How to increase social media presence at work

Getting employees on board with being brand advocates and using social media to share employer branding is an excellent way to build a strong employer brand and attract top talent while helping employees feel more connected to the company.

Here are some reasons why it's essential to get employees to be brand advocates:

1. Increases Reach: Employees can help increase the reach of your employer brand by sharing it on social media. This can help attract a wider pool of candidates and increase brand awareness.

2. Authenticity: When employees share their experiences and stories about working for your company, it adds an authentic voice to your employer brand. This can help build trust with potential candidates and make your company more appealing.

3. Cost-Effective: Using employees as brand advocates is a cost-effective way to promote your employer brand. 

4. Employee Engagement: Encouraging employees to be brand advocates can help increase employee engagement and satisfaction. It shows that the company values and trusts its employees and their opinions.

5. Competitive Advantage: Having a strong employer brand can give your company a competitive advantage in attracting top talent. When employees share positive experiences about working for your company, it can help set you apart from competitors.

To empower employees to be effective brand advocates on social media, you can provide a social media kit to new employees including all social media accounts to follow (LinkedIn Page, Facebook Page, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Youtube, etc.) and all social media assets (headshot guidelines to use to update LinkedIn profile, LinkedIn banner image if it exists, Zoom backgrounds to use during meetings, etc.)

Inspiration from other companies

Interested in cost-effective ways to promote your employer brand? Speak with us at ChangeEngine to learn how to use your employees as brand advocates on social media!