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Friendly Reminder: Complete Your Security Training Before Day One!
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Hi {{first_name}}, 

As you gear up for your first day, we wanted to send a quick reminder about completing your security training – a crucial step in ensuring we all play a part in keeping our digital and physical spaces safe.

Why It Matters:

Security training isn’t just a checkbox; it's our way of creating a solid security culture from day one. Whether it's cybersecurity best practices, data protection, or emergency procedures, this training equips you with the know-how to safeguard our shared workspace.

Accessing Your Training:

To dive into the training modules, simply log in to [Training Platform], where you'll find all the resources you need. If you're having trouble accessing the platform or encounter any tech hiccups, don't hesitate to reach out to [IT Support Contact].

Deadline for Completion:

We encourage you to wrap up your security training by [End of Onboarding Date]. Getting it done before day one ensures you step into your role with all the knowledge you need to contribute to our security-first mindset.

Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions or need clarifications along the way, [HR Contact] is your go-to person. Feel free to drop them a message, and they'll make sure you're all set.

We appreciate your commitment to making our company a secure and resilient workplace. Thanks for taking the time to complete your security training – you're helping to build a safer environment for all of us.

Cheers to a secure start!

People Team

Friendly Reminder: Complete Your Security Training Before Day One!
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Hey {{first_name}}, 👋

As you gear up for your first big day with us, we wanted to drop a friendly reminder about completing your security training – it's the key to keeping our digital and physical spaces top-notch safe.

✨ Why It's a Big Deal:

This isn't your average checkbox exercise. Think of it as the secret sauce to kickstarting rock-solid security from the get-go. This is your go-to toolkit for guarding our shared workspace.

📋 Accessing Your Training:

Just head over to [Training Platform] and dive into the modules. Everything you need is right there. If you hit a tech roadblock, shout out to [IT Support Contact]. 

📅 Get It Done Before Onboarding Ends:

We're cheering you on to wrap up your security training by [End of Onboarding Date]. Knock it out early, and you'll strut into your role armed with all the wisdom to join our security-first league.

📩 Hit Up HR :

Feeling a bit confused? No worries! [HR Contact] is your go-to problem-solver. Shoot them a message, and they'll get you sorted.

Big shoutout for making our company a secure and unstoppable force. Thanks for putting in the effort to ace your security training – you're making our workspace safer for everyone.

🙌 Catch you on the secure side!


Your People Team

Friendly Reminder: Complete Your Security Training Before Day One!
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Hi {{first_name}}, 

We wanted to send a quick reminder about completing your security training.

Why It Matters:

This training equips you with the know-how to safeguard our shared workspace.

Accessing Your Training:

Simply log in to [Training Platform]. If you're having trouble accessing the platform or encounter any tech issues reach out to [IT Support Contact].

Deadline for Completion:

We encourage you to wrap up your security training by [End of Onboarding Date]. 

Questions or Concerns?

If you have any questions or need clarifications please email [HR Contact]. 

We appreciate your commitment to making our company a secure and resilient workplace. 

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
1 week before security training deadline
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
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Reminder to complete Security Training

Security training in the workplace is a critical component of an organization's risk management strategy. It involves educating employees on various security policies, procedures, and protocols to safeguard sensitive information and assets from potential threats. This training can cover a broad spectrum of topics, from cybersecurity best practices and data protection laws to physical security measures and emergency response procedures.

Reminding employees to complete their security training, especially during onboarding, is crucial for several reasons. First, it helps create a culture of security from day one, ensuring that all team members are aligned with the company’s security expectations. In an era where security breaches can occur due to simple oversights, having a well-informed workforce is the first line of defense against cyber-attacks, data theft, and other security incidents. Additionally, for ongoing or situational security training, reminders serve to reinforce the importance of vigilance as new threats emerge and to ensure compliance with evolving regulations. Keeping security at the forefront of employees' minds helps maintain a secure working environment and protects both the company and its clients from potential risks.

Here are a few security training topics you may need to cover: 

Day One Security Culture: Initiate security training during onboarding to instill a culture of security from the start, aligning all team members with the company’s security expectations.

Varied Training Topics: Cover a wide range of security topics, including cybersecurity best practices, data protection laws, physical security measures, and emergency response procedures to ensure comprehensive employee awareness.

Ongoing Vigilance: Remind employees regularly to complete security training, emphasizing its ongoing nature. Consistent reminders reinforce the importance of staying vigilant against evolving threats and complying with changing regulations.

First Line of Defense: Acknowledge that a well-informed workforce is the first line of defense against cybersecurity threats, data theft, and other security incidents. Empower employees to be proactive in identifying and addressing potential risks.

Compliance and Regulations: Stress the importance of compliance with security regulations and data protection laws. Regular training reminders serve as a proactive measure to ensure that employees stay updated and compliant with evolving security standards.

Secure Working Environment: Highlight that maintaining security at the forefront of employees' minds is essential for a secure working environment. Emphasize that this not only protects the company but also safeguards clients from potential security risks.

Responsive Training: Implement situational security training to address emerging threats. Reminders for such training sessions ensure that employees stay informed about new risks and are equipped to respond effectively.

Risk Management Strategy: Emphasize that security training is a critical component of the organization's risk management strategy, contributing to the overall resilience of the company against potential security threats.

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