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First Day Instructions for {{first_name}}
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Hi {{first_name}},

Congratulations and welcome to the {{company_name}} team! We are thrilled to have you on board. Your first day is just around the corner, and we want to ensure you have everything you need to kickstart your journey with us.

Please plan to arrive at our office located at [Address] on [Start Date] at [Start Time]. Upon arrival, you'll be greeted by our friendly team and guided through a comprehensive orientation to familiarize yourself with our company culture, policies, and your role. Don't forget to bring along any necessary identification and documents for employment verification.

If you have any questions beforehand, feel free to reach out to [Contact Person] at [Contact Email/Phone Number]. We can't wait to welcome you and embark on this exciting journey together!

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

People Team

First Day Instructions for {{first_name}}
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Hey {{first_name}},

🎉 Welcome to the {{company_name}} team! We're stoked to have you on board. Your first day is right around the corner, and we're here to make sure you're all set to dive in with us.

Just a heads up, please plan to swing by our office at [Address] on [Start Date] at [Start Time]. Our awesome crew will be there to give you the lowdown on our vibe, rules, and your role. Oh, and don't forget your IDs and docs for the boring stuff.

Got any burning questions before the big day? Shoot them over to [Contact Person] at [Contact Email/Phone Number]. We're all hyped to meet you and get this show on the road!


[Your Name]

People Team 🚀

First Day Instructions for {{first_name}}
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Hi {{first_name}},

Welcome aboard to the {{company_name}} team! Your first day is just around the corner, so here's the scoop:

Join us at [Address] on [Start Date] at [Start Time]. We'll walk you through our culture, policies, and your role. Remember to bring your IDs!

Have any questions? Feel free to reach out to [Contact Person] at [Contact Email/Phone Number]. Excited to have you join us!


[Your Name]

People Team

Individual Employee
Recommended Send Time:
3 days before Start Date
Recommended Channel:
Personal Email
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First day instructions message for new hire

It's essential for a message sent to new hires before their start date to include clear instructions for their first day. This should encompass details such as the time and location to report, any necessary paperwork, and what to expect during their initial orientation. By providing this information in advance, new hires can feel more at ease and prepared, reducing first-day jitters and ensuring a smoother onboarding process. Additionally, clear instructions demonstrate the company's commitment to organization and support, setting a positive tone for the new hire's experience from the very beginning. Overall, thorough first-day instructions contribute to a positive onboarding experience, fostering engagement and productivity from day one.

Inspiration from other companies

Ready to revolutionize your onboarding process? Contact ChangeEngine today for access to top-tier onboarding assets and templates, and elevate your employee experience to new heights with ease!