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Your Referral Reward is Here!
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Hi {{first_name}},

We are pleased to announce that your referral reward is being distributed today as a token of our appreciation for your invaluable contribution to our team’s growth. Your efforts in recommending a candidate who has now become a vital part of our organization have not gone unnoticed.

This reward is a testament to the positive impact you’ve made, demonstrating your commitment not only to our company's success but also to nurturing a vibrant and dynamic workplace culture. We hope this serves as a reminder of our gratitude for your dedication and insight.

We encourage you to continue participating in our Employee Referral Program, as your recommendations are crucial in helping us discover talented individuals who can contribute to our collective achievements.

Should you have any questions regarding your reward or any other aspect of the referral process, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Once again, thank you for your outstanding contribution. We look forward to your continued support and participation

Thank you.

- People Team

Your Referral Reward is Here!
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Hi {{first_name}},

Big news! 🎉 Your referral bonus is on its way to you today! We really want to thank you for bringing such awesome talent into our fold. Your knack for spotting the right fit doesn't just help us grow; it makes our workplace all the more vibrant and dynamic. 🌟

This token of appreciation is just a small way to say a huge 'thank you' for being such a pivotal part of our journey. And hey, we're always on the lookout for more gems like the one you've found, so don't hesitate to keep those recommendations coming!

Got questions about your reward or anything else? Just drop us a line.

Cheers to many more wins together! 🥂

Thank you.

- People Team

Your Referral Reward is Here!
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Hi {{first_name}},

Good news! Your referral bonus is being processed today. Your ability to identify talent that aligns with our culture has truly made a difference, and we're grateful for your contribution. This reward is our way of saying thanks for playing a key role in our growth.

We hope this encourages you to continue sharing your great finds with us. Your referrals are invaluable, and we're excited to see who you'll bring to our team next.

If you have any questions about your reward or the referral process, feel free to reach out.

Thanks for all you do!

- People Team

Individual Employee
Recommended Send Time:
On day of referral rewards or bonuses being distributed
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams 1:1
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How to reward employees for successful employee referrals

The Referral Reward/Bonus Recipient Message is a key element in Employee Referral Programs, aimed at acknowledging and detailing rewards for employees who refer qualified candidates. This communication is crucial for maintaining transparency and encouraging active participation in the program. Highlighting the benefits and recognizing employees' referral efforts promotes a culture of collaboration and shared success. For example, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that 45% of referral hires stay for over four years, compared to 25% from job boards, emphasizing the value of referral programs in achieving higher job satisfaction and tenure among employees.

By effectively communicating the referral rewards, organizations can tap into their workforce's network more efficiently, enhancing the recruitment process and fostering a sense of community and collective growth within the company.

Inspiration from other companies

Looking for more ways to generate high quality employee referrals? Book a time to chat with us!