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Don't Miss Out: Referral Contest Ends Soon - Submit Your Referrals Now!
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Hi Team,

As we approach the final days of our Employee Referral Contest, we want to remind you of the opportunity to contribute to our team's growth and win exciting rewards. If you have not yet submitted your referral, now is the time to do so!

The contest ends in just a few days, and we encourage you to take a moment to think about talented individuals in your network who could become valuable members of our team. Your participation is crucial to our success and helps us find the best talent out there.

Remember, aside from the chance to win enticing prizes, your referral contributes significantly to shaping the future of our company. Let's make these last days count and close out the contest on a high note.

Thank you for your continued efforts and commitment to our team's growth.

Best regards,

People Team

Don't Miss Out: Referral Contest Ends Soon - Submit Your Referrals Now!
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Hey Team! 

Hope you're all doing awesome! Quick heads-up: our Referral Program Contest is wrapping up soon, and you've still got a shot at those sweet rewards! 🏆💰 The deadline is just around the corner, and we wouldn't want you to miss out.

Got someone in mind who'd be a perfect fit for our team? Now's the time to make your move and possibly snag some cool prizes while you're at it. 🌟 The contest ends in just a few days, so let's make these final moments count!

Thanks for helping us grow our awesome team. Your referrals make a world of difference. 🚀

Catch you later,

People Team

Don't Miss Out: Referral Contest Ends Soon - Submit Your Referrals Now!
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Hi Team,

Just a quick reminder that our Employee Referral Program Contest is in full swing! 🌟 We’re counting on your insights to find the best talent out there, and remember, there are some fantastic rewards up for grabs for those who participate.

If you haven't submitted a referral yet, there’s still time! The contest closes [insert closing date], so don’t miss your chance to contribute and possibly win big. Your referral could be the next great addition to our team.

Thanks for being a key part of our growth. Let’s make this contest a success together!


People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
1 week before Referral Contest ends
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Reminder for Employee Referral Contest

A Referral Contest reminder is a strategic communication tool used within organizations to re-engage employees and boost participation in ongoing Employee Referral Programs. By reminding employees of the contest's benefits, deadlines, and potential rewards, companies can maintain momentum and enthusiasm for the program. These reminders are crucial for keeping the referral program top of mind, especially in fast-paced work environments where daily responsibilities might overshadow ongoing initiatives.

Utilizing reminders is important because they can significantly increase the number of quality referrals received. According to research from the Employee Referral Program Benchmarks Report, companies that actively promote their referral programs see a 31% higher success rate in hires through referrals compared to those that do not. This statistic highlights the effectiveness of reminders in not only sustaining but also amplifying the success of referral programs. By keeping employees informed and excited about the possibility of winning prizes or receiving bonuses, organizations can ensure a steady influx of high-quality candidates, thereby enriching their talent pool and enhancing overall organizational performance.

Inspiration from other companies

Looking for more ways to generate high quality employee referrals? Book a time to chat with us!