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Thank You for Your Referral!
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Hi {{first_name}},

We want to express our heartfelt thanks for your recent referral. Your commitment to enhancing our team by identifying potential talent is truly appreciated. This gesture not only helps us in our quest to find exceptional individuals but also demonstrates your dedication and belief in our company's vision and culture.

Please know that we are giving your referral the careful consideration it deserves. Your initiative in participating in our referral process plays a significant role in our ongoing success and growth.

We are grateful for your efforts and look forward to possibly welcoming a new member to our team, thanks to your recommendation.

Thank you,

People Team

Thank You for Your Referral!
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Hi {{first_name}},

Big thanks for sending a referral our way! 🌟 Your knack for spotting talent and thinking of us is awesome and super appreciated. It's teammates like you who help us keep our team vibrant and growing. 🚀

We're diving into your referral with all the attention it deserves. Whether it leads to a new hire or not, your effort to help us find great people doesn’t go unnoticed. 🙌

Stay tuned, and let's keep making our workplace amazing together. Thanks a million for being such a fantastic part of our team’s journey!


People Team

Thank You for Your Referral!
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Hi {{first_name}},

Thanks for the referral! We're thrilled you thought of us and took the time to recommend someone. It's actions like yours that help us grow and bring fresh talent to our team. We're on it and will give your referral the attention it deserves. Your effort is a big deal to us, and we really appreciate it. Keep them coming!


People Team

Individual Employee
Recommended Send Time:
On day of receiving employee referral
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams 1:1
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Thank you message to employees for referring candidates

A "Thank You" message to employees for referring candidates is a vital communication that acknowledges and appreciates the efforts of employees who participate in the Employee Referral Program. This gesture of gratitude not only reinforces the value of each referral but also encourages a culture of collaborative recruitment within the organization. Recognizing employees for their contributions to the hiring process fosters a sense of belonging and investment in the company's growth and success. According to LinkedIn, referrals are the top source of hires, accounting for nearly 45% of internal hires. This statistic highlights the effectiveness of referral programs in attracting quality candidates, making it crucial for companies to express their appreciation for employees' referral efforts.

Sending out thank you messages for employee referrals is important because it demonstrates the company's commitment to recognizing and rewarding the efforts of its workforce. It can significantly boost employee morale and engagement, leading to a more motivated and connected team. Additionally, acknowledging employees' contributions to the referral process can encourage ongoing participation, helping to maintain a strong pipeline of qualified candidates for future positions.

Inspiration from other companies

Looking for more ways to generate high quality employee referrals? Book a time to chat with us!