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Reminder: Upcoming Quarterly Business Reviews
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Hi everyone, 

We wanted to remind you that we have our Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) coming up in the next few weeks. As you know, these reviews are an important opportunity for us to evaluate our progress and make informed decisions for the future.

To help you prepare for the QBRs, we wanted to share a few tips:

  • Decide who should lead the QBR meeting and who should take notes
  • Create an agenda of topics to cover
  • A presentation deck or slide will help everyone follow along
  • Review the previous QBR report and goals
  • Highlight progress, milestones, and achievements (KPIs). Add visual aids (screenshots, graphs)
  • Capture completed work in quantifiable data e.g. # of hours saved, # of employees hired, # of sales, etc.
  • Recommend new goals and benchmarks
  • Prepare a list of those who should attend the QBR meeting
  • Remember to send meeting invitations and reminders.
  • After the meeting, share your presentation and updated notes on what was discussed during the meeting (new goals, areas for improvement, etc.)
  • Update the company/team and any other relevant stakeholders

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to HR or a member of our team.

Thank you for your hard work and dedication, and we look forward to a productive QBR.

Thank you, 

People Team

Reminder: Upcoming Quarterly Business Reviews
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Hey everyone 👋

Just a quick reminder that we have our Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) coming up in the next few weeks! Of course, you know that these reviews are an important opportunity for us to evaluate our progress. Your participation and feedback help us make informed decisions for the future. 💡

To help you prepare for the QBRs, I wanted to share a few tips:

  • Decide who should lead the QBR meeting and who should take notes
  • Create an agenda of topics to cover
  • A presentation deck or slide will help everyone follow along
  • Review the previous QBR report and goals
  • Highlight progress, milestones, and achievements (KPIs). Add visual aids (screenshots, graphs)
  • Capture completed work in quantifiable data e.g. # of hours saved, # of employees hired, # of sales, etc.
  • Recommend new goals and benchmarks
  • Prepare a list of those who should attend the QBR meeting
  • Remember to send meeting invitations and reminders.
  • After the meeting, share your presentation and updated notes on what was discussed during the meeting (new goals, areas for improvement, etc.)
  • Update the company/team and any other relevant stakeholders

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out. We appreciate your hard work and dedication, and I look forward to a productive QBR.

Thank you! 🙏 

Your People Team

Reminder: Upcoming Quarterly Business Reviews
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Hi all, 

Our Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs) coming up in the next few weeks. These reviews are essential to our progress.

To help you prepare for the QBRs, I wanted to share a few tips:

Review your metrics: review your department's financial performance. Identify any areas where you've seen significant improvements or challenges, and be prepared to discuss.

  • Decide who should lead the QBR meeting and who should take notes
  • Create an agenda of topics to cover
  • A presentation deck or slide will help everyone follow along
  • Review the previous QBR report and goals
  • Highlight progress, milestones, and achievements (KPIs). Add visual aids (screenshots, graphs)
  • Capture completed work in quantifiable data e.g. # of hours saved, # of employees hired, # of sales, etc.
  • Recommend new goals and benchmarks
  • Prepare a list of those who should attend the QBR meeting
  • Remember to send meeting invitations and reminders.
  • After the meeting, share your presentation and updated notes on what was discussed during the meeting (new goals, areas for improvement, etc.)
  • Update the company/team and any other relevant stakeholders

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to HR or a member of our team.

People Team

Recommended Send Time:
2 weeks before the end of quarter
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams 1:1
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How to prepare for Quarterly Business Reviews

Quarterly business reviews (QBRs) are a crucial tool for companies to evaluate their progress and make informed decisions for the future. These reviews typically cover a range of topics, including financial performance, sales, marketing, and customer service.

As a manager, getting involved in the QBR process can be extremely valuable. Here are a few tips:

1. Come prepared with data: If you're in a department that has access to relevant data, bring it to the table. This can help the team make more informed decisions and identify areas for improvement.

2. Speak up: Don't be afraid to share your thoughts and ideas during the review. Your unique perspective can help the team identify blind spots and opportunities.

3. Ask questions: If you're unclear about something that's being discussed, ask for clarification. This demonstrates your engagement and can help the team or clients ensure that everyone is on the same page.

4. Follow up: After the QBR, take the time to follow up with your team members or clients on any action items or decisions that were made. This ensures that everyone is on board and moving in the same direction.

Overall, QBRs are an important opportunity for teams and clients to align on the progress of the past quarter goals moving forward. Getting involved can help you develop new skills, build relationships with your colleagues, and ultimately drive better results for the business.

Inspiration from other companies

Need help training employees on how to run effective and successful QBRs? Book a demo with us today to see how ChangeEngine can help!