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Please review: tips to help you navigate team management during layoffs
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Hi {{first_name}},

As we navigate challenging economic circumstances, layoffs can be an unfortunate reality and a difficult situation to manage. As you lead your workforce through these times, here are some tips to help guide you.

First, openly communicate with your team. Be honest and transparent while you share the steps you are taking to protect the workforce. Open the floor for everyone’s questions and concerns. Don’t hesitate to bring in a member of the HR team for a meeting with your team.

Second, provide support to your employees. Offer resources to help them adjust to their shifting roles. Identify the ways they can grow in their skills and most importantly, how they want to contribute to the team and take on new responsibilities.

Third, look for ways to engage at work and enjoy the day-to-day. Layoffs are never easy. Employees should not feel blindsided or come to work every day in fear they are on the chopping block. Encourage them to raise their concerns, but try not to linger on them.

Finally, take care of yourself. It is important to be mindful of your own mental health and well-being, and to take breaks when needed.

We understand how difficult managing a workforce during layoffs can be. We hope these tips can help guide you and your team through this difficult transition. Don’t hesitate to reach out with your questions or concerns.

Thank you,

People Team

Please review: tips to help you navigate team management during layoffs
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Hey everyone 👋

As we navigate challenging economic circumstances, layoffs can be an unfortunate reality and a difficult situation to manage. As you lead your workforce through these times, here are some tips to help guide you.

💬 First, openly communicate with your team. Be honest and transparent and outline the steps we are taking to protect the workforce. Open the floor for questions and concerns. Don’t hesitate to bring in a member of the HR team for a meeting with your team.

🤝 Second, provide support. Offer resources to help them adjust to shifting roles while identifying how they want to contribute and grow their skills with new responsibilities.

🤗 Third, look for ways to engage and enjoy the day-to-day. Layoffs are never easy. Employees should not feel blindsided or come to work in fear they are on the chopping block. Encourage everyone to raise concerns, but try not to linger on them.

❣️ Finally, take care of yourself. It is important to be mindful of your own mental health and well-being,. Take breaks when needed!

We understand how difficult managing a workforce during layoffs can be. Don’t hesitate to reach out with your questions or concerns.

Thank you,

People Team

Please review: tips to help you navigate team management during layoffs
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Hi all,

As we navigate challenging economic circumstances, layoffs can be an unfortunate reality and difficult situation to manage. Use these tips to help guide your team through this time:

  • Openly communicate. Be honest and transparent and share the steps we are taking to protect the workforce. 
  • Provide support. Offer resources to help them adjust to their shifting roles. 
  • Look for ways to engage at work. Encourage your team to share concerns, but try not to linger on them.
  • Take care of yourself. It is important to be mindful of your own mental health and well-being. Take breaks when needed.

We understand how difficult it is managing a workforce during layoffs. Please reach out with your questions or concerns.

People Team

Recommended Send Time:
Start of layoff period
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams 1:1
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How managers can keep employees engaged during layoffs

During an economic downturn, many companies are forced to make difficult decisions, including layoffs. As a manager, it can be a stressful and emotional time for both leadership and the team.

Along with the challenge of managing a potentially smaller team with growing workloads, managers may also struggle with the guilt of having to let people go, as well as the task of navigating the fears and stress of those who remain.

It’s important for managers to remain calm and keep the lines of communication open. Make sure there is transparency with managers and their teams about the reasons behind the layoffs and try to be as supportive as possible.

Encourage open dialogue so that everyone feels comfortable expressing their feelings. It may also be helpful to provide resources to those affected by the layoffs, such as outplacement services or career counseling.

It’s important to remind managers to take care of themselves as well during this period of elevated stress. It’s natural to feel overwhelmed, so everyone needs to make sure to prioritize self-care and be gentle with themselves.

Encourage managers to lean on their support system, whether it’s family, friends, or colleagues. By taking care of themselves and being understanding with the team, managers will be able to handle the difficult task of layoffs with grace and compassion.

Inspiration from other companies

Want to support your team during layoffs and unsure how? Book a demo with ChangeEngine today!