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Your Onboarding Checklist!
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Hi {{first_name}},

We are thrilled to have you join our team at {{company_name}}! As you begin this new chapter in your career, we want to ensure that your onboarding process is as smooth and seamless as possible.

To assist you in this process, we've created a New Hire Checklist for you to follow:

  1. Complete Paperwork: Fill out all necessary HR forms, including tax forms and benefits enrollment.
  2. Set up Workspace: This includes your computer, email account, and any other essential software you'll need for your role.
  3. Meet your Team: Introduce yourself to your team members and schedule a meeting with your direct supervisor.
  4. Familiarize Yourself with Our Tools: Learn about the digital tools and platforms we use for communication and task management.
  5. Review Company Policies: Go through our Employee Handbook to understand our policies, values, and culture.
  6. Training Sessions: Complete the assigned training modules which will help you understand your role better.

There may be additional items specific to your role or department. Should you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to the People Team or your manager. We're here to support you every step of the way.

Welcome again to {{company_name}}!


People Team

Your Onboarding Checklist!
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Hi {{first_name}},

Super excited to have you join our {{company_name}} team! 🥳 As you kick off this exciting new journey, we've got a handy-dandy checklist to help you glide through the onboarding process:

  1. 📑 Complete Paperwork: Fill out all necessary HR forms, including tax forms and benefits enrollment.
  2. 🖥️ Set Up Workspace: This includes your computer, email account, and any other essential software you'll need for your role.
  3. 🤝 Meet Your Team: Introduce yourself to your team members and schedule a meeting with your direct supervisor.
  4. ⚒️ Tools: Learn about the digital tools and platforms we use for communication and task management.
  5. 📖 Review Company Policies: Go through our Employee Handbook to understand our policies, values, and culture.
  6. 🧑‍🏫 Training Sessions: Complete the assigned training modules which will help you understand your role better.

Keep in mind, this list is just your starter pack, and you might have other stuff to do specific to your role. If you ever need help or have questions, don't be a stranger! Reach out to us, the People Team, or your manager. We're all here to back you up.

Once again, welcome to {{company_name}}! We're stoked to have you on board. 🚀


People Team 

Your Onboarding Checklist!
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Hey, {{first_name}}!

Welcome to {{company_name}}! We're excited to have you on board. Here's a quick checklist:

  • IT and Tech Set Up: Our tech team will help you with logins and getting set up and ready.
  • Work Station and Equipment: Set up your work station with the necessary equipment.
  • Compliance and Paperwork: Complete required forms to ensure compliance.
  • Training Sessions: Familiarize yourself with your responsibilities and our processes.
  • Meeting New Team Members: Connect with colleagues from different departments.

Check your calendar and reach out if you need assistance. Welcome to the team!

Individual Employee
Recommended Send Time:
1 day before Start Date
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams 1:1
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Checklist for new hires

Providing a new hire checklist during onboarding at work is important for several reasons:

  1. Organization: It ensures that all necessary steps are completed in a timely and systematic manner. The checklist functions as a roadmap to guide the process and make sure nothing is missed.
  2. Structure: It gives a new hire a structured approach to their first days or weeks at work. It helps them understand what they need to do, who they need to meet, what tools they need to be familiar with, and what trainings they need to complete.
  3. Setting Expectations: It's a tool that helps set clear expectations. The new hire can see what's expected from them and can plan accordingly.
  4. Ease of Transition: A checklist helps to make the transition smoother. Starting a new job can be overwhelming. A checklist simplifies the process, breaking it down into more manageable parts.
  5. Efficiency: It saves time for everyone involved. The new hire can independently work through the list without constantly asking what they should do next.
  6. Consistency: It helps to maintain consistency in the onboarding process across the company. Everyone gets the same introduction and training.
  7. Compliance: In many organizations, certain steps of the onboarding process are required for legal or compliance reasons. A checklist ensures these steps are not overlooked.
  8. Measurement and Feedback: A checklist also provides a basis for measuring the effectiveness of the onboarding process and collecting feedback for improvements. After completion, HR and managers can review the checklist with new employees to evaluate what worked and what didn't.

In summary, a new hire checklist is a powerful tool to ensure a successful onboarding experience, which can lead to improved productivity, job satisfaction, and employee retention.

Inspiration from other companies

Want to ensure your new hires have a successful onboarding experience? Let ChangeEngine help you create a new hire checklist! Chat with us today.