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First Week Check-In with New Employee
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Dear [Manager's Name],

As part of our commitment to effective onboarding and employee success, We want to remind you of the importance of conducting a First Week Check-In with any new team members under your supervision. This check-in serves as a valuable opportunity to welcome the new employee, provide the necessary support, clarify expectations, and address any initial concerns they may have. 

Your guidance and engagement during this pivotal moment can significantly impact the newcomer's sense of belonging and confidence in their role. Please schedule a meeting with your respective new employee within their first week to facilitate this check-in. During the meeting, take the time to introduce yourself, review key responsibilities, answer questions, and ensure they have the resources needed to excel in their position.

Your proactive approach to this check-in will not only aid in their successful integration but also contribute to our overall employee retention and satisfaction goals.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you require any assistance or guidance in conducting the check-in, please don't hesitate to let us know.

Thank You,

People Team

First Week Check-In with New Employee
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Hey [Manager's Name],

Just a heads up to make sure we're on track with our onboarding process! Remember to schedule a First Week Check-In with our newest team member, [Employee's Name], sometime this week. It's a great chance to welcome them aboard officially and ensure they're settling in smoothly. 🚀

During the check-in, take a few moments to introduce yourself, chat about their first impressions, and address any questions or concerns they might have. Your support in their initial days here will make a world of difference! 🌟

Let us know if you need any assistance or if there's anything we can do to help. We're looking forward to seeing [Employee's Name]'s addition strengthen our team!


People Team

First Week Check-In with New Employee
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Hi [Manager's Name],

Just a friendly reminder to schedule the First Week Check-In with [Employee's Name]. Your guidance during this meeting will help ensure a smooth transition and set the stage for success. Let us know if you need any support in organizing it.


People Team

Recommended Send Time:
5 days after New Employee's Start Date
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams 1:1
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How to conduct a First Week Check-In with a New Employee

The first week of check-in with a new employee is a pivotal moment in onboarding, offering a chance to ensure their smooth transition and address any initial concerns. Studies show that effective onboarding, including regular check-ins, can boost employee retention by up to 69% (SHRM). By conducting this check-in, we demonstrate our commitment to the employee's success, fostering engagement, productivity, and long-term satisfaction within the organization. It sets the stage for ongoing communication and support, laying a solid foundation for their journey.

Inspiration from other companies

Ready to revolutionize your onboarding? Contact ChangeEngine today and let's streamline the process!