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Preparing for {{employee_name}} 90-Day Check-in
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Hi {{first_name}},

It's been 90 days since {{employee_first_name}} joined your team! This is a major milestone for most employees. They'll likely be excited to meet with you for a review and assessment of their value to the team if they are feeling a strong fit at this point.

You have already conducted several 1:1 meetings, and most kinks should be worked out from streamlining workflow to building a healthy relationship. This meeting is intended to set down some long-term goals.


While most tools, technology, and training should be squared away to help {{employee_first_name}} perform successfully in their role, setting new long-term goals may reveal additional certifications, training, or resources they could need. This is something we can discuss at our next meeting.

Reach out in the next week to schedule your 90-Day Check-in. As usual, reserve at least 30 minutes to hear their questions and concerns, and work through goals together. My door is open if there's anything you need from me. I look forward to hearing about your 90-Day Check-in and the initiatives you and {{employee_first_name}} plan to put in place.

Thank you,

People Team

Preparing for {{employee_name}} 90-Day Check-in
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Hey, {{first_name}}!  It's been 90 days since {{employee_first_name}} joined your team! 🎉

Congratulations on celebrating this exciting milestone with your employee! We know they will be looking forward to this review. 🤝

You have already conducted several 1:1 meetings, and most kinks should be worked out from streamlining workflow to building a healthy relationship. This meeting is intended to set down some long-term goals. 🎯

While most tools, technology, and training should be squared away to help {{employee_first_name}} perform successfully in their role, setting new long-term goals may reveal additional certifications, training, or resources they could need. This is something we can discuss at our next meeting.

Reach out in the next week to schedule your 90-Day Check-in. As usual, reserve at least 30 minutes to hear their questions and concerns, and work through goals together. My door is open if there's anything you need from me. I look forward to hearing about your 90-Day Check-in and the initiatives you and {{employee_first_name}} plan to implement.

Thank you! 

Preparing for {{employee_name}} 90-Day Check-in
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Hi {{first_name}},

REMINDER: It's time for  {{employee_first_name}} 90-Day Check-In! Please reach out to schedule this check-in.

This is a major milestone for most employees. They'll likely be excited to meet with you for a review and assessment of their value to the team. Please be sure to set long-term goals.

While most tools, technology, and training should be squared away to help {{employee_first_name}} perform successfully in their role, setting new long-term goals may reveal additional certifications, training, or resources they could need. This is something we can discuss at our next meeting.

Thank you,

People Team

Recommended Send Time:
90 days after Start Date
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams 1:1
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Reminder to prepare for 90-day employee check-in

A 90-day check-in with new employees is a great time to celebrate their performance and understand their feelings about their fit with the team, and role, and learn ways to support them in long-term goals. This review is also a great time to evaluate the responsibilities, tools, and workflow since the new employee will have more thorough feedback, and make any changes as needed. During this check-in, you will want to outline longer-term goals, as well as identify what you can provide in terms of additional training, tools, and support for their success.

To get the most out of 90-day check-in, be sure to do the following:

  • Meet in person or via video conference. Facetime is critical to employee check-ins. Many organizations settle for automated forms, which leaves much to be desired when gathering feedback and getting to know your employees.
  • Encourage open communication. While it’s useful to have a standardized set of questions for the review, make space for the employee to raise and discuss their own questions or concerns.
  • Review employee performance. This person has gained some experience on the job at this point, you will want to compare reviews of their performance from early on, and address potential roadblocks or warning signs.
  • Gauge the effectiveness of your onboarding process. Gathering feedback from new hires about their onboarding experience can improve your onboarding process and ensure they have what they need to succeed moving forward. Some issues are not evident until employees have had time to really get into their roles and test all tools and processes. This final probationary review is the most critical.
  • Understand what the employee thinks of the position and company. Early on in their tenure, you can get a feel for how the employee is enjoying their time with the company.
  • Assess goals. While they may not be set on any long-term goals yet, employees should have short-term goals and they should be open to discussions about their plans for growth and development in their role.

Inspiration from other companies

Looking to streamline your new hire onboarding process? Book a demo with ChangeEngine to see how we can help!