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Relax and rejuvenate as a team to celebrate International Tea Day!
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Hi everyone,

We will be celebrating International Tea Day (May 21st) on Monday, May 22nd. International Tea Day is a day to promote the consumption and production of tea and to raise awareness about its cultural, social, and economic importance. It is also a great opportunity for us to come together as a team and enjoy a fun and relaxing activity.

We encourage you to take a break and enjoy a cup of tea with your colleagues. This can be a great way to socialize and promote team bonding. [A tea station will be set up in the break room all day!]

In addition to being a fun activity, tea has many health benefits, including stress reduction and improved mental clarity. By taking a break and enjoying a cup of tea, you can improve your well-being and productivity.

We hope that you will join us in celebrating International Tea Day in the workplace.

Thank you, 

People Team

Relax and rejuvenate as a team to celebrate International Tea Day!
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Hey everyone,

Care for a cup of tea? We sure hope so. We will be celebrating International Tea Day (5/21) on Monday, May 22nd. 🫖

International Tea Day raises awareness about the cultural, social, and economic importance of producing and consuming tea. And we think it’s a great opportunity for us to come together as a team and enjoy a fun and relaxing activity. 🤗

[There will be an open Tea-bar set up in the break room all day Monday! So, plan to take a break and enjoy a cup of tea with your colleagues.]

Fun fact: in addition to being a fun activity, tea has many health benefits, including stress reduction and improved mental clarity! 🧠 By taking a break and enjoying a cup of tea, you can improve your well-being and productivity.

We really hope you will join us in celebrating International Tea Day. ☕

Your People Team

Relax and rejuvenate as a team to celebrate International Tea Day!
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Hi all,

We will be celebrating International Tea Day (May 21st) on Monday, May 22nd. International Tea Day is a day to promote the consumption and production of tea and to raise awareness about its cultural, social, and economic importance. It is also a great opportunity for us to come together as a team and enjoy a fun and relaxing activity.

In addition to being a fun activity, tea has many health benefits, including stress reduction and improved mental clarity. By taking a break and enjoying a cup of tea, you can improve your well-being and productivity.

We hope that you will join us in celebrating International Tea Day in the workplace.

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
On International Tea Day (May 21st)
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
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How to celebrate International Tea Day at work

International Tea Day is celebrated on May 21st every year to promote the consumption and production of tea and to raise awareness about its cultural, social, and economic importance. Celebrating International Tea Day in the workplace can be a fun and engaging way to promote team bonding, productivity, and wellness.

Tea has several health benefits. Globally, tea is consumed more than coffee! Green tea, for example, contains theanine, which promotes a calm state of focus. Many teas induce a more relaxed state of mind and body.

Here are some tips for managers who want to celebrate International Tea Day in the workplace:

  1. Host a tea party: Set up a tea station in the office with a variety of teas, sweeteners, and snacks. Encourage employees to take a break and enjoy a cup of tea together. This can be a great way to promote team bonding and socialization.
  2. Provide tea-related gifts: Consider providing tea-related gifts such as tea bags, tea pots, or tea infusers. This can be a thoughtful gesture that shows employees that you value their hard work and appreciate their contributions.
  3. Organize a tea-tasting event: Bring in a tea expert to host a tea-tasting event where employees can try different types of tea and learn about their cultural and historical significance. This can be a fun and educational way to celebrate International Tea Day and promote cultural awareness.
  4. Offer wellness benefits: Tea has many health benefits, including stress reduction and improved mental clarity. Consider offering wellness benefits such as yoga classes or meditation sessions that incorporate tea as a way to promote employee wellness.

By celebrating International Tea Day in the workplace, managers can promote team bonding, productivity, and wellness. A small gesture can go a long way in making employees feel valued and appreciated.

Inspiration from other companies

Want to host a company tea party for International Tea Day? Contact ChangeEngine for help with planning and communication!