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Join Us in Recognizing International Indigenous Peoples Day
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Hi everyone,

Today, August 9th, is International Day of World’s Indigenous People! This day allows us to honor and appreciate the cultural diversity, heritage, and contributions of indigenous communities worldwide.

Indigenous peoples have inhabited our planet for thousands of years and have preserved their unique traditions, languages, knowledge systems, and spiritual beliefs. They possess invaluable wisdom and insights that can contribute to our collective growth, sustainability, and understanding of the world around us.

As a company that values diversity, inclusion, and social responsibility, we believe it is crucial to recognize and respect the rights and aspirations of indigenous peoples. This includes acknowledging the historical injustices they have faced and supporting their ongoing struggles for self-determination, land rights, cultural preservation, and equal opportunities.

I encourage each of you to take a moment on this day to learn about indigenous cultures, their challenges, and ongoing efforts to promote their rights and well-being. Engage in dialogue, share your findings, and consider supporting reputable organizations that work towards preserving indigenous cultures and advocating for their rights.

Let's seize this opportunity to celebrate the International Day of the World's Indigenous People and foster greater understanding and appreciation within our organization. Thank you for your commitment to a diverse and inclusive workplace.

Thank you,

People Team

Join Us in Recognizing International Indigenous Peoples Day
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Hey team! 👋

Today is International Day of Indigenous Peoples! 🌎 Declared by the United Nations to celebrate the amazing cultures, languages, and traditions of Indigenous peoples worldwide.

According to the United Nations, there are an estimated 476 million indigenous peoples in the world, living across 90 countries. They speak a majority of the world's estimated 7,000 languages and represent over 5,000 distinct tribes.

We recommend taking some time today to learn more about Indigenous cultures, their history, and their essential role in things like environmental sustainability, cultural diversity, and societal development. Let's take a moment to acknowledge their journey, their struggles and their victories, and reaffirm our commitment to promoting and protecting their rights.

One way to honor Indigenous Peoples today is by checking out which Indigenous land you might be on with this link: https://native-land.ca/ 

It's a great way to connect with the history and sacredness of the land around us. 🌳

Thank you! 🙏

People Team

Join Us in Recognizing International Indigenous Peoples Day
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Hi all,

Today marks the International Day of Indigenous Peoples. This United Nations-sanctioned observance celebrates the rich cultures, languages, and traditions of Indigenous peoples across the globe.

The UN estimates that there are about 476 million Indigenous individuals residing in 90 countries worldwide. They speak around 7,000 languages and comprise over 5,000 distinct tribes.

We urge you to dedicate time today to understand Indigenous cultures, their history, and their critical contributions to environmental sustainability, cultural diversity, and societal development. We stand with them in acknowledging their challenges, victories, and their rights.

Recognize Indigenous Peoples today by identifying the sacred Indigenous land you inhabit using this resource: https://native-land.ca/

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
On International Day of Indigenous Peoples (August 9)
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Slack/MS Teams Channel
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How to observe International Day of Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous Peoples Day focuses on recognizing and celebrating Indigenous cultures, histories, and contributions in the U.S., while the International Day of Indigenous Peoples is a global observance recognized by the U.N. that promotes awareness and advocates for the rights and well-being of Indigenous peoples worldwide.

Celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day at work acknowledges and honors the rich cultural heritage, contributions, and resilience of Indigenous peoples. Recognizing and appreciating Indigenous cultures within the workplace fosters a sense of inclusion, respect, and diversity, which are vital for creating a harmonious and supportive work environment.

It also provides an opportunity for education and awareness, allowing employees to learn about the historical and ongoing struggles faced by Indigenous communities and promoting empathy and understanding. By engaging in meaningful activities and events, organizations can help dismantle stereotypes, challenge biases, and reflect on workplace practices, policies, and relationships with Indigenous communities, ultimately cultivating a more inclusive and equitable workplace culture.

Inspiration from other companies

Take a step towards inclusivity! Contact ChangeEngine today and let us help you plan a meaningful celebration of International Day of Indigenous Peoples at your workplace.