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Commemorating Independence Movement Day
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Hi everyone,

Today, we commemorate Independence Movement Day, a significant holiday in Korea. This day is a tribute to the March 1st Movement, a pivotal moment in Korea's fight for independence from Japanese rule in 1919.

About this day:

- It is also known as Samiljeol, which translates to 'Three-One Day' in Korean.

- The movement began with a declaration of independence read in Seoul's Pagoda Park.

- It was a non-violent protest, inspired by President Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points speech.

Independence Movement Day is celebrated annually on March 1st. It is a public holiday in South Korea. 

Please note that our offices in Korea will be closed in observance of this holiday. We encourage everyone to take a moment to appreciate the significance of this day and the values it represents.

Thank you,

People Team

Commemorating Independence Movement Day
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Hey everyone, 👋

Today, we're celebrating Independence Movement Day in Korea, also known as Samiljeol! 🇰🇷 This significant day is observed every year on March 1st. 

Here are some fun facts about this historic day:

- It commemorates the March 1st Movement in 1919, a key moment in the Korean resistance against Japanese rule. 📜

- The name 'Samil' translates to 'three one', representing March 1st. 🗓️

- The movement began with a declaration of independence read in Seoul's Pagoda Park. 🏞️

Please note, our colleagues in Korea will be out of office.

Let's take a moment to appreciate the significance of this day and the spirit of resilience it represents. 🙏

Thank you,

People Team

Commemorating Independence Movement Day
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Hi all,

Today, we celebrate Independence Movement Day in Korea, observed annually on March 1st. This significant day marks the start of the Korean resistance against Japanese rule in 1919.

• The movement began with a peaceful protest known as the March 1st Movement.

• It's also known as Samiljeol, meaning 'Three-One Festival'.

• The day is marked with ceremonies, parades, and reenactments of the historic event.

Our colleagues in offices based in South Korea will be out of office today to observe this national holiday. Please plan accordingly.

People Team

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On Korean Independence Movement Day (March 1st)
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Korean Independence Movement Day is coming up!
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Hi everyone,

Korean Independence Movement Day is coming up in about a week. This is a significant holiday observed by some of our international offices.

Please note that our colleagues based in Korea will be out of office to observe this holiday. We kindly ask you to plan your work and communication accordingly. 

If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Thank you,

People Team

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How to celebrate Korean Independence Movement Day at work

Independence Movement Day, also known as Samiljeol, is a national holiday in South Korea celebrated annually on March 1st. This day commemorates the March 1st Movement in 1919, a significant milestone in the Korean resistance against Japanese colonial rule. In South Korea, it is a public holiday, and people get a day off work and school.

Recognizing and celebrating diverse holidays like Independence Movement Day in global teams is crucial for fostering inclusivity and respect. It helps to acknowledge the cultural heritage and history of team members, promoting understanding and unity. Moreover, it provides an opportunity to learn about different cultures, enhancing global awareness and sensitivity.

Ideas for celebrating Independence Movement Day at work could include:

  • Hosting a virtual presentation about the history and significance of the day.
  • Organizing a Korean-themed lunch or snack break.
  • Sharing stories or documentaries about the Independence Movement.

Inspiration from other companies

Ready to celebrate diversity in a meaningful way? Contact ChangeEngine today and let's commemorate Samijeol and other global observances together!