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Inclement Weather Advisory & Policy Reminder - Please stay safe!
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Hi everyone,

With the winter season upon us and the potential for severe weather conditions, we wanted to remind everyone of our Inclement Weather Policy to ensure the safety and well-being of all employees.

Policy Highlights:

  1. Safety First: If you believe that commuting to work would jeopardize your safety due to weather conditions, please prioritize your well-being and exercise caution.
  2. Remote Work: Where possible and applicable, employees are encouraged to work from home on days with severe weather warnings. Please ensure you have the necessary tools and access to perform your duties remotely.
  3. Communication: If you decide to work from home or anticipate being late due to weather conditions, please inform your immediate supervisor or manager as soon as possible.
  4. Office Closure: In cases of extreme weather, the decision to close the office will be communicated to all employees via [communication platform, e.g., email, phone call, company app]. Please ensure you check for updates before heading out.

Remember, the intent of this policy is to ensure everyone's safety. We trust all employees to use their best judgment and prioritize their well-being during inclement weather conditions.

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the full Inclement Weather Policy available on our intranet/HR portal. If you have any questions or need further clarification, don't hesitate to reach out to HR or your respective department heads.

Stay safe and warm!

Thank you,

People Team

Inclement Weather Advisory & Policy Reminder - Please stay safe!
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Hey everyone,

Looks like Mother Nature's got some surprises for us with recent weather warnings. We want everyone to stay safe, so here's a quick reminder of how we roll when the weather gets feisty:

  1. Office Operations: Depending on the severity of the weather, there might be office closures, delayed openings, or early releases. We will communicate any changes to the regular working schedule promptly via [preferred communication channel, e.g., email, text, company portal].
  2. Remote Work: For positions and tasks that can be handled remotely, employees are encouraged to work from home during severe weather conditions. Please ensure you have the necessary resources and access to perform your tasks.
  3. Communication: If you encounter difficulties reaching the workplace or anticipate any delays, please inform your direct supervisor or manager as soon as possible.

Above all, we trust you to make the best call for your safety. Keep an eye on our usual channels for any updates, and remember, rain boots and umbrellas are always in fashion. ☔

Stay safe, and reach out if you have questions!

Thank you,

People Team

Inclement Weather Advisory & Policy Reminder - Please stay safe!
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Hi all,

Winter's here, and so are unpredictable weather patterns! Quick heads up on our Inclement Weather Policy:

  1. Safety First: If the weather seems too risky, stay safe.
  2. Remote Work: Got severe weather warnings? Feel free to work from home if your role allows.
  3. Stay in Touch: If you're working remotely or expect delays, let your supervisor know.
  4. Office Updates: Extreme conditions might close the office. Stay updated via [e.g., email, company app].

Dive deeper into the policy on our intranet/HR portal. Questions? HR's here to help. Stay cozy!

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
When there is a Weather Advisory issued where offices are based
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
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Inclement Weather Advisory Alert for employees

A standard Inclement Weather Advisory and Policy at work primarily focuses on ensuring the safety and well-being of employees during severe weather conditions. This policy typically outlines the procedures for office closures, delayed openings, or early releases due to weather-related concerns. It may also detail the communication channels that the organization will use to inform employees of any changes in the work schedule, such as emails, text messages, or dedicated hotline numbers. In many cases, the policy will address how employees should report their work status or any difficulties they might face in reaching the workplace. For those who can work remotely, there might be guidelines on how to proceed with their tasks from home.

The importance of an Inclement Weather Advisory and Policy cannot be overstated. First and foremost, it prioritizes the safety of employees, ensuring that they are not put at risk trying to commute during dangerous weather conditions. By setting clear guidelines, it eliminates confusion and ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding how operations will proceed during such events. Additionally, by preparing in advance and having a clear communication strategy, companies can reduce downtime and maintain productivity, even when faced with unforeseen weather challenges. In essence, a well-crafted policy seeks to balance operational continuity with the safety and well-being of its employees.

Inspiration from other companies

Navigate the storm with clear communication! Contact changeEngine today for expert assistance with your communications for inclement weather advisories and policies.