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Welcome Back, [Employee Name]!
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Hi {{first_name}}, 

We trust this message finds you and your family in good health and enjoying the precious moments of this special time. As your return to work approaches, we wanted to convey how much we've missed your valuable contributions and friendly conversations around here.

We understand that returning to work after parental leave is a significant transition, and we are fully prepared to support you in finding the ideal balance as you settle back into your work routine. If you have any needs or would like to discuss flexible hours, please don't hesitate to reach out so we can make every attempt to accommodate your needs in advance – we're committed to ensuring a smooth transition for you. 

To welcome you back, we've prepared a little something for you – an [insulated travel mug] and a [gift card or basket]. It's a small gesture to express our support as you navigate this new chapter of office life. 

As you step back into the office, you may notice a few changes, including some new [team members or policies]. We’re eager to catch you up on all the updates, and your team is looking forward to collaborating with you once again. 

Remember, your well-being is our top priority. If there's anything you need to make your return more comfortable or if there are any concerns you'd like to address, the door is open.

Welcome back, [Employee's First Name]! We're genuinely excited about your return and eager to continue the fantastic work we do together. 

Thank you, 

People Team

Welcome Back, [Employee Name]!
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Hello {{first_name}},

I hope you and your family are well and savoring every moment of this special time. 🍼 Your return to work is coming up, and I wanted to express how much we've missed your contributions around here.

Returning to work after parental leave is a significant transition, and we are prepared to support you in finding the perfect balance as you settle back in. If you need to discuss flexible hours or any specific needs, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We're committed to ensuring a smooth transition for you. ☕

To welcome you back, we’ve selected a thoughtful [insulated travel mug], and a [gift card or basket] as a little something to ease your days back into office life. 🤱 It's a small gesture to show our support for you during this new chapter.

You’ll notice a few changes around the office, including some new team members, and I’m eager to catch you up on all the updates. 🌱 Your team is looking forward to collaborating with you once again and benefitting from your valuable insights.

Please remember that your well-being is our priority. Should you need anything to make your return to work more comfortable, or if there are any concerns you'd like to address, my door is always open.

Welcome back, {{first_name}}! We're truly excited for your return and eager to move forward with the fantastic work we do together. 🎉

Warm regards,

People Team

Welcome Back, [Employee Name]!
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Hi {{first_name}}, 

We trust this message finds you and your family in good health and enjoying the precious moments of this special time. As your return to work approaches, we wanted to convey how much we've missed you.

Returning to work after parental leave is a significant transition. If you have any needs or would like to discuss flexible hours, please don't hesitate to reach out so we can make every attempt to accommodate your needs in advance – we're committed to ensuring a smooth transition for you. 

Welcome back, [Employee's First Name]! We're genuinely excited about your return and eager to continue the fantastic work we do together. 

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
Day of return from parental leave
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams 1:1
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How to welcome employee returning from parental leave

Welcoming back employees from parental leave isn't just a formality; it's a powerful gesture that can set the tone for a positive and inclusive workplace. As the anticipation builds for their return, acknowledging their absence and expressing the team's eagerness to have them back is a simple yet impactful step.

Why It Matters:

Validation and Recognition: Returning from parental leave can be accompanied by a range of emotions. A warm welcome reaffirms the value of their contributions and recognizes the importance of their role within the team.

Smooth Transition: Acknowledging the potential challenges of returning to work after parental leave, offering accommodations demonstrates a commitment to making the transition as smooth as possible.

Boosts Morale: Feeling missed and appreciated can significantly boost morale, creating a positive atmosphere that fosters engagement and loyalty.

Ways to Welcome Employees Back from Parental Leave:

1. Personalized Welcome Messages: Have team members share personalized welcome messages or cards expressing how much they missed their colleague. This personal touch can make the return feel warmer and more connected.

2. Gifts or Gift Cards: Consider providing a small gift or a gift card as a token of appreciation. This gesture not only shows gratitude for their hard work but also provides a practical and enjoyable welcome-back treat.

3. Decorate Their Workspace: A decorated desk or workspace can add a festive touch. Balloons, streamers, or a welcome-back sign can create a visually appealing and celebratory atmosphere.

4. Team Welcome Lunch or Coffee: Organize a team lunch or coffee break to welcome the returning employee. This informal setting allows for a relaxed reintroduction and an opportunity for team bonding.

5. Flexible Schedules: Recognize that the first few days back might be an adjustment. Offering flexible schedules or the option to ease back into full-time work can help make the transition more manageable.

In essence, welcoming back employees from parental leave is about more than just embracing a familiar face; it's about fostering a workplace culture that values and supports its members through various life stages. By expressing genuine appreciation, offering accommodations, and incorporating thoughtful gestures, we can ensure that every team member feels not just welcomed but truly embraced upon their return.

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