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Honoring Transgender Remembrance Day: A Day of Reflection and Solidarity
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Hi everyone, 

Today, we come together to commemorate Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR), an annual observance on November 20th, dedicated to honoring the lives lost due to anti-transgender violence and discrimination.

TDoR holds a dual significance: it's a time to honor those we've tragically lost and a call for solidarity with the transgender community. It reminds us of the importance of nurturing a compassionate and accepting society.

Here's what we encourage everyone to do today:

Educate Ourselves: Take a moment to learn about the challenges that transgender individuals face. Understanding is the first step towards acceptance.

Reflect: Pay your respects to those we've lost to anti-transgender violence. You can do this through a moment of silence or by attending a TDoR event.

Support: Consider making a contribution to organizations that provide vital support to the transgender community.

Be an Ally: Stand up against transphobia whenever you encounter it. Show respect by using correct pronouns and listen to the voices of transgender individuals.

Our company is steadfast in its commitment to maintaining a diverse and inclusive environment where every member, including our transgender and gender non-conforming colleagues, feels respected and valued.

To further our understanding, this week, we're hosting a company-wide webinar featuring experts discussing transgender issues. Stay tuned for details—we encourage all to attend and participate.

Let's collectively contribute to a more inclusive and compassionate world. Your dedication to fostering an inclusive workplace is truly appreciated.

Thank you for being a part of our journey.

Thank you, 

People Team

Honoring Transgender Remembrance Day: A Day of Reflection and Solidarity
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Hey everyone 👋

Today, we're all coming together to observe Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR), which happens each year on November 20th. It's a day dedicated to honoring the lives lost due to anti-transgender violence and discrimination. 🏳️‍⚧

TDoR carries a twofold meaning—it's a time to remember and pay our respects to those we've tragically lost, and it's a call for unity with the transgender community. It's a reminder that we all play a role in building a compassionate and accepting society.

Here's what we're encouraging everyone to do today:

💡 Educate Ourselves: Take a moment to learn about the challenges faced by transgender individuals. Understanding is the first step toward acceptance.

🪞 Reflect: Show your respect for those we've lost to anti-transgender violence. You can do this with a moment of silence or by joining a TDoR event.

🤝 Support: Consider making a donation to organizations that provide crucial support to the transgender community.

❣️ Be an Ally: Speak up against transphobia whenever you encounter it. Show respect by using the correct pronouns and lend an ear to the voices of transgender individuals.

Our company is unwavering in its commitment to maintaining a diverse and inclusive environment where every member, including our transgender and gender non-conforming colleagues, feels respected and valued.

▶️ To help us all gain a deeper understanding, this week, we're hosting a company-wide webinar featuring experts who will discuss transgender issues. Stay tuned for the details—we encourage everyone to attend and participate.

Let's all come together to contribute to a more inclusive and compassionate world. Your dedication to fostering an inclusive workplace is genuinely appreciated.

🙏Thank you for being part of our journey.

Your People Team

Honoring Transgender Remembrance Day: A Day of Reflection and Solidarity
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Hi all, 

Today, we come together to commemorate Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR), an annual observance on November 20th, dedicated to honoring the lives lost due to anti-transgender violence and discrimination.

Here's what we encourage everyone to do today:

Educate Ourselves: Understanding is the first step towards acceptance.

Reflect: You can do this through a moment of silence or by attending a TDoR event.

Support: Consider making a contribution to organizations that provide vital support to the transgender community.

Be an Ally: Show respect by using correct pronouns and listening to the voices of transgender individuals.

This week, we're hosting a company-wide webinar featuring experts discussing transgender issues. Stay tuned for details—we encourage all to attend and participate.

Thank you for being a part of our journey.

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
On Transgender Day of Remembrance‍ (November 20th)
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
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How to observe Transgender Day of Remembrance‍ at work

Transgender Remembrance Day is a solemn occasion dedicated to remembering and honoring the lives of transgender individuals who have been tragically lost due to violence and discrimination. 

History and Significance of Transgender Remembrance Day:

Transgender Remembrance Day originated in 1999 to memorialize Rita Hester, a transgender woman who was brutally murdered. Since then, it has grown into a global day of reflection and solidarity, reminding us of the violence and injustice faced by transgender people simply for being their authentic selves.

Observing Transgender Remembrance Day at Work:

  • Raise Awareness: Share educational materials and resources about transgender issues, such as articles, videos, or documentaries, to foster understanding and empathy among employees.
  • Hold a Moment of Silence: Start the day with a moment of silence to honor the lives lost and show support for the transgender community. Encourage employees to reflect on the importance of equality and inclusion.
  • Host Inclusive Discussions: Organize open and respectful discussions or panels where transgender employees or advocates can share their experiences and insights. These conversations can promote empathy and allyship.
  • Show Solidarity: Encourage employees to wear or display the transgender pride flag, or use it as a background in virtual meetings to symbolize support for the transgender community.
  • Offer Resources: Provide information on support organizations, LGBTQ+ employee resource groups, or counseling services for those who may need them.
  • Commit to Inclusivity: Reiterate your commitment to creating a safe and inclusive workplace for all employees, regardless of gender identity. Share policies and resources that promote equality and anti-discrimination.

Transgender Remembrance Day is a time to remember the lives lost, but it's also an opportunity for education, empathy, and action. By observing this day in the workplace, teams can contribute to a more inclusive and compassionate environment for everyone.

Inspiration from other companies

Want to make sure you are acknowledging diverse holidays and days of observance with your team? Contact ChangeEngine for guidance on streamlining respectful, timely, informational, and meaningful DEIB and holiday communications.