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Spanish National Day - Holiday Observance
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Hi everyone, 

We'd like to acknowledge the Spanish National Day celebrated on October 12th. This day marks the anniversary of Christopher Columbus' arrival in the Americas. As Spain's National Day, it holds significant pride and importance to our Spanish colleagues. The day is synonymous with the recognition of Spain's multicultural heritage and its impact on global history. Factually, while the day celebrates Columbus’ arrival, it also marks the beginning of Hispanic influences worldwide. 

Respecting and understanding diverse cultures enables us to build stronger connections in our global community. In honor of this day, our colleagues in Spain will be taking time off. Kindly adjust your collaboration plans accordingly. 

Thank you,

People Team

Spanish National Day - Holiday Observance
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Hi everyone, 👋

It’s that time of the year when our Spanish mates celebrate their National Day on October 12th! 🎉🇪🇸 It's not just about Christopher Columbus touching base in the Americas but also celebrating Spain’s vibrant culture and influence.

Did you know Spain has the second-highest number of UNESCO World Heritage sites? Crazy, right? If you’re working with our Spanish team, give them a little shoutout or perhaps try saying "¡Feliz Día Nacional!” They'll appreciate it!

Remember, our friends in Spain will be off. Let's be mindful of that! 

Thank you,

People Team

Spanish National Day - Holiday Observance
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Hi all, 

October 12th is Spanish National Day.

It marks Columbus’ arrival in the Americas and celebrates Spain’s global influence.

Our Spain-based team will be off. Adjust collaborations accordingly.

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
On Spanish National Day (October 12th)
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Slack/MS Teams Channel
Spanish National Day is coming up!
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Hi everyone,

Spanish National Day is coming up in about a week. Our colleagues in Spain will be Out Of Office to commemorate this significant day in their country. Ensure that your schedules and collaborations are adjusted accordingly. 

For our teammates in Spain, remember to activate your vacation reminders in your emails!

Thank you,

People Team

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How to celebrate Spanish National Day at work

Spanish National Day, celebrated annually on October 12th, honors the date Christopher Columbus first set foot in the Americas. It's a momentous occasion that commemorates Spain's rich history, cultural evolution, and the beginning of the nation's expansive influence across the globe. While Spain ardently observes this day with parades, events, and nationwide closures, other countries, especially those with historical ties to Spain, also mark the occasion in varying ways.

Recognizing Spanish National Day in multicultural workplaces emphasizes the importance of cultural diversity and international histories. It fosters inclusivity, encourages knowledge exchange, and respects the pride and significance this day holds for Spanish colleagues. Especially for those collaborating with peers in Spain, it's imperative to be cognizant of such holidays and possible days off.

Ideas for celebrating Spanish National Day at work:

  • Spanish Cultural Fair: Organize a fair where colleagues can share Spanish art, music, dance, and even food.
  • Language Hour: Host a fun, interactive Spanish language learning session.
  • Historical Documentary Viewing: Stream a documentary that delves into Spain's expansive history and cultural evolution.

Inspiration from other companies

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