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Observing Spanish Constitution Day
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Hi everyone,

Today we mark Constitution Day, celebrated annually on December 6th. This pivotal day in Spain's history commemorates the ratification of the Spanish constitution, marking a defining moment of democracy and unity for the country. This constitution was a beacon of hope after decades of dictatorship, highlighting Spain's commitment to freedom, human rights, and social equality. 

As we recognize Constitution Day, let us reflect upon the importance of governance, rights, and collective spirit in fostering democracy and protecting individual freedoms. It's paramount for us as a globally connected team to appreciate and learn from such significant milestones. 

Remember, our colleagues based in Spain will be observing this holiday and will be off. Plan your collaborations accordingly.

Thank you,

People Team

Observing Spanish Constitution Day
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Hi everyone, 👋

Happy Constitution Day to our Spanish teammates! 🇪🇸 

Did you know Spain ratified its constitution on December 6th after moving past a long dictatorship? It's a big deal and represents freedom and unity. It's a great time for all of us to appreciate the democratic values that bond societies.

Quick reminder: Our teammates in Spain may be taking the day off in observance of this public holiday, so let's make sure we manage our work with them around this.

Thank you,

People Team

Observing Spanish Constitution Day
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Hi all,

December 6th is Spain's Constitution Day, celebrating their transition to democracy. 

Our colleagues in Spain will be off in observance of this public holiday. Please adjust accordingly.

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
On Spain Constitution Day (December 6th)
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Slack/MS Teams Channel
Spanish Constitution Day is coming up!
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Hi everyone,

Constitution Day (Día de la Constitución Española) is just around the corner, celebrated in a week's time.

Our colleagues based in Spain will be Out Of Office, commemorating this significant national holiday.

As you plan out your week, keep this in mind, and to those who'll be observing the day off, kindly remember to set up your vacation reminders in your emails.

Have a good break and a quality time of reflection!

Thank you!

People Team

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How to celebrate Spain Constitution Day at work

Constitution Day (Día de la Constitución Española), celebrated on December 6th, is a significant national holiday in Spain. It commemorates the day the Spanish constitution was ratified in 1978, signaling Spain's transition from dictatorship to democracy. This day is marked by various public ceremonies and nationwide closures, including government offices, schools, and businesses.

Recognizing Constitution Day, particularly in a diverse and global corporate setting, fosters an understanding and appreciation of the democratic values that many nations hold dear. It also promotes inclusivity and education about pivotal moments in global histories. For teams with connections or colleagues in Spain, being informed about such holidays is integral for mutual respect and efficient collaboration.

Ideas for observing Constitution Day at work:

- Democracy Dialogue: Host a discussion or seminar about the importance of democracy, governance, and individual freedoms, drawing parallels with corporate governance.

- Cultural Exchange: Organize a Spanish-themed potluck or gathering, encouraging team members to share and learn about Spanish culture, traditions, and the significance of the Constitution.

- Learning Hour: Dedicate an hour to exploring the global importance of constitutions, perhaps using an informative documentary or guest speaker on the subject.

Inspiration from other companies

Want to make sure you are acknowledging diverse holidays and days of observance with your team? Contact ChangeEngine for guidance on streamlining respectful, timely, informational, and meaningful DEIB and holiday communications.