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Commemorating Tiradentes Day
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Hi everyone,

We would like to take a moment to acknowledge Tiradentes Day (Dia de Tiradentes), a significant holiday celebrated today. This day is observed in honor of Joaquim Jose da Silva Xavier, known as Tiradentes, a leading member of the Brazilian revolutionary movement known as the Inconfidência Mineira.

About Tiradentes Day:

- Tiradentes was a dentist, hence his nickname, which means "tooth puller" in Portuguese.

- He was executed on April 21, 1792, which is why Tiradentes day is celebrated annually on April 21.

- This day is a national holiday in Brazil, marked by parades, concerts, and other cultural activities.

Please note that our offices based in countries that observe this holiday, specifically Brazil, will be out of office today.

Thank you,

People Team

Commemorating Tiradentes Day
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Hey everyone,

Today, we're celebrating Tiradentes' Day (Dia de Tiradentes), a significant holiday observed on April 21st. 🎉

About Tiradentes Day:

• It's named after Joaquim Jose da Silva Xavier, nicknamed Tiradentes (Tooth Puller), a former dentist and leading member of the Brazilian revolutionary movement known as the Inconfidência Mineira.

• Tiradentes was executed on April 21, 1792, which is why the holiday is celebrated on this date.

• He is considered a national hero in Brazil and a symbol of resistance against colonial oppression. 🇧🇷

Please note that our offices in countries observing this holiday will be out of office. This includes Brazil, where Tiradentes' Day is a national holiday. 

Enjoy the day, learn something new, and remember the spirit of resistance and freedom that Tiradentes represents. 🕊️

Thank you,

People Team

Commemorating Tiradentes Day
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Hi all,

Today, we celebrate Tiradentes' Day (Dia de Tiradentes), a significant holiday in Brazil, observed annually on April 21st.

• This day commemorates the execution of Joaquim Jose da Silva Xavier, known as Tiradentes, a leading member of the Brazilian revolutionary movement seeking independence from Portugal.

• Tiradentes is considered a national hero and martyr who gave his life for the cause of Brazilian independence.

• Tiradentes was a dentist, hence his nickname, which means "tooth puller" in Portuguese.

Please note, our offices in Brazil will be closed in observance of this holiday. We encourage everyone to learn more about this important day in Brazilian history.

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
On Tiradentes Day (April 24th)
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
Upcoming Holiday - Tiradentes' Day (Dia de Tiradentes)
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Hi everyone,

We hope this message finds you well. We are writing to remind you that Tiradentes' Day (Dia de Tiradentes) is coming up in about a week, specifically on April 21st.

Please note that our offices located in countries that observe this holiday will be closed. This includes Brazil, where this day is recognized as a national holiday. We kindly ask you to plan your work and communication accordingly.

We wish those who will be observing the holiday a restful and good day!

Thank you,

People Team

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How to observe Tiradentes Day at work

Tiradentes' Day, or Dia de Tiradentes, is a national holiday in Brazil, celebrated annually on April 21st. This day is dedicated to the memory of Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, known as Tiradentes, a leading member of the Brazilian revolutionary movement known as the Inconfidência Mineira. Brazil is the only country that observes this holiday and gives time off.

Recognizing and celebrating diverse holidays like Tiradentes' Day in global teams is crucial for fostering inclusivity and respect. It helps to create a sense of belonging among team members from different cultural backgrounds and promotes a better understanding of each other's traditions and history.

Ideas to consider:

  • Organize a virtual presentation about the history and significance of Tiradentes' Day.
  • Encourage team members to share their personal experiences or family traditions related to the holiday.
  • Host a Brazilian-themed virtual lunch or dinner.

Inspiration from other companies

Ready to celebrate diversity and honor global observances like Dia de Tiradentes? Contact ChangeEngine today and let's create meaningful celebrations together!