Hi {{first_name}},
As we gear up to re-onboard our employees and take care of the logistics and paperwork e.g. Payroll, IT Set Up, Tools, etc, there are several ways to add to the onboarding experience that will help employees merge and connect, fostering a sense of unity and reducing potential friction:
Quick Tip: Be mindful of the "tone" of celebrations or team gatherings -- maybe avoid bringing balloons.
We wanted to sincerely thank you again for your leadership and dedication for our company and employees during this time. This transition would not be successful without the guidance and support of our leadership team.
Please refer to our M&A Playbook Chapter 6: Re-Onboarding Employees after M&A for more and reach out to the People Team if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
People Team
Hi {{first_name}},
As we gear up to re-onboard our employees and take care of the logistics and paperwork e.g. Payroll, IT Set Up, Tools, etc, there are several ways to add to the onboarding experience that will help employees merge and connect, fostering a sense of unity and reducing potential friction:
Quick Tip: Be mindful of the "tone" of celebrations or team gatherings -- maybe avoid bringing balloons.
We wanted to sincerely thank you again for your leadership and dedication for our company and employees during this time. This transition would not be successful without the guidance and support of our leadership team.
Please refer to our M&A Playbook Chapter 6: Re-Onboarding Employees after M&A for more and reach out to the People Team if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
People Team
Hi {{first_name}},
As we gear up to re-onboard our employees and take care of the logistics and paperwork e.g. Payroll, IT Set Up, Tools, etc, there are several ways to add to the onboarding experience that will help employees merge and connect, fostering a sense of unity and reducing potential friction:
We wanted to sincerely thank you again for your leadership and dedication for our company and employees during this time. This transition would not be successful without the guidance and support of our leadership team.
Please refer to our M&A Playbook Chapter 6 for more and reach out to the People Team if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
People Team
In normal onboarding, new hires are completely new to the company. They have to familiarize themselves with every aspect of their role and the company. In re-onboarding, employees are already familiar with many aspects of their job, but they need to adapt to new organizational structures, policies, and sometimes even new roles.
As employees of the acquired organization don't go through the same recruitment process with interviews, it's important that there is "Re-recruitment," highlighting Employee Value Proposition (EVP) and reaffirming the values of "joining" the company (e.g. benefits, offerings, opportunities).
There will be the inevitable paperwork and logistics e.g. Payroll, IT Set Up, Tools, etc, but there are several ways to add to the onboarding experience that will help employees merge and connect, fostering a sense of unity and reducing potential friction. !