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Employee Comms During M&A
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Hi {{first_name}},

As you may be aware, our organization is undergoing a [merger/acquisition]. As we move forward with this process, we want to emphasize the importance of clear communication with our employees.

We will be sharing regular updates through company-wide emails and posting important announcements on our internal communication platforms. These updates will provide insights into the progress of the M&A deal and address any concerns you or your team members may have. We will also provide some templates that can be used to communicate with your own team members.

Main topics to be informed on and address:

  • What will change.
  • How it will be implemented.
  • What impact it will have on: Roles and responsibilities, salary, and benefits.
  • How the company will support employees through the transition.

General advice on communications during M&A:

  • Be open and transparent. Be careful not to overpromise and be accurate.
  • Be timely with communication and updates.
  • Be available and consistent. Over-communicate during this time. No news is not good news during M&A's. If there are no updates, say there are no updates.
  • Emphasize the benefits and positive aspects of this decision.
  • Be empathetic and patient. Employees may experience a wide variety and rollercoaster of emotions.

Please refer to our M&A Playbook Chapter 1: Employee Comms During M&A for more.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your dedication and exceptional leadership during these challenging times. Your commitment and guidance will be invaluable in navigating the changes we are facing.

People Team

Employee Comms During M&A
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Hi {{first_name}},

As you may be aware, our organization is undergoing a [merger/acquisition]. As we move forward with this process, we want to emphasize the importance of clear communication with our employees.

We will be sharing regular updates through company-wide emails and posting important announcements on our internal communication platforms. These updates will provide insights into the progress of the M&A deal and address any concerns you or your team members may have. We will also provide some templates that can be used to communicate with your own team members.

☑️ Main topics to be informed on and address:

  • What will change.
  • How it will be implemented.
  • What impact it will have on: Roles and responsibilities, salary, and benefits.
  • How the company will support employees through the transition.

💬 General advice on communications during M&A:

  • Be open and transparent. Be careful not to overpromise and be accurate.
  • Be timely with communication and updates.
  • Be available and consistent. Over-communicate during this time. No news is not good news during M&A's. If there are no updates, say there are no updates.
  • Emphasize the benefits and positive aspects of this decision.
  • Be empathetic and patient. Employees may experience a wide variety and rollercoaster of emotions.

Please refer to our M&A Playbook Chapter 1: Employee Comms During M&A for more.

Thank you so much for your dedication and leadership during these times. Your commitment and guidance will be invaluable in navigating the changes we are facing.

People Team

Employee Comms During M&A
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Hi {{first_name}},

As you may be aware, our organization is undergoing a [merger/acquisition]. We want to emphasize the importance of clear communication with our employees. Our goal is to ensure a smooth and successful transition.

Main topics to be informed on and address:

  • What will change.
  • How it will be implemented.
  • What impact it will have on: Roles and responsibilities, salary, and benefits.
  • How the company will support employees through the transition.

Advice for comms during M&A:

  • Be open and transparent. Be careful not to overpromise and be accurate.
  • Be timely with communication and updates.
  • Be available and consistent.
  • Emphasize the benefits and positive aspects.
  • Be empathetic and patient.

Please refer to our M&A Playbook Chapter 1: Employee Comms During M&A for more.

Thank you so much for your dedication and leadership during these times. Your commitment and guidance will be invaluable in navigating the changes we are facing.

People Team

Recommended Send Time:
14 days before announcement of M&A to all employees
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams 1:1
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How and what to effectively communicate as a manager during mergers and acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions are complex processes that require careful planning and execution. One of the most important aspects of a successful merger or acquisition is effective communication with employees.

Here are some reasons why communication is critical during a merger or acquisition:

1. Reducing anxiety: Change can be unsettling for employees, and a merger or acquisition can create uncertainty about job security and future prospects. Effective communication can help ease anxiety and provide employees with the information they need to feel more secure.

2. Building trust: Employees need to feel that they can trust their leadership team. By openly communicating about the merger or acquisition, leaders can build trust with employees and demonstrate their commitment to transparency.

3. Aligning goals: A merger or acquisition often results in changes to the organizational structure and strategy. Effective communication can help ensure that employees understand the new goals and objectives and can align their work accordingly.

4. Retaining talent: Employees are more likely to stay with an organization that values their contributions and keeps them informed. Effective communication can help organizations retain top talent during a merger or acquisition.

5. Minimizing disruption: A lack of communication can lead to confusion and disruption during a merger or acquisition. By keeping employees informed, organizations can minimize the impact of the transition and keep operations running smoothly.

In conclusion, effective communication with employees is essential during a merger or acquisition. To ensure a smooth transition, you can follow the tips in this guide: [LINK]

Inspiration from other companies

Navigating a merger or acquisition? Let ChangeEngine streamline your process with effective management and communication strategies. Contact us to ensure a seamless transition. Together, let's create success. 🤝🚀