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Please check out our June Wellness Month initiatives
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Hi everyone,

We are excited to announce that June is Wellness Month, and we have some great initiatives planned to promote wellness in the workplace. Our aim is to focus on our wellbeing at work by setting achievable goals and challenges every week. We hope that these initiatives will encourage you to prioritize your health and wellbeing.

Here are the weekly goals/challenges for June Wellness Month:

  • Week 1: Take 5 minutes to stretch every day
  • Week 2: Have a tech-free lunch every day
  • Week 3: Convert at least 2 meetings into walk and talk meetings
  • Week 4: Make a shout out to at least one colleague expressing gratitude
  • Week 5: Exchange at least 1 favorite healthy and easy recipe

We encourage you to share your progress in the Slack channel #June_Wellness_Challenge. Your progress will be highlighted in a Company Newsletter, and we hope that this will encourage others to participate and prioritize their well-being.

We also want to take this opportunity to highlight some of the wellness perks and benefits that we offer at work. These include:


We hope that these initiatives and benefits will help you prioritize your health and well-being at work and at home. Let's come together to make Wellness Month a success!

Thank you, 

People Team

Please check out our June Wellness Month initiatives
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Let’s go, Team! 👋

Let’s get physical! June is Wellness Month, and we have some exciting wellness and well-being initiatives planned. We’re going to start out by setting achievable goals and challenges every week that can help you prioritize your health and wellbeing. 💪😀

Here are the weekly goals/challenges for June Wellness Month:

  • Week 1: Take 5 minutes to stretch every day
  • Week 2: Have a tech-free lunch every day
  • Week 3: Convert at least 2 meetings into walk and talk meetings
  • Week 4: Make a shout out to at least one colleague expressing gratitude
  • Week 5: Exchange at least 1 favorite healthy and easy recipe

💬 Be sure to share your progress in the Slack channel #June_Wellness_Challenge. We want to highlight our team’s participation in the Company Newsletter in hopes it will encourage others to participate and prioritize their well-being.

All for one and one for all! 🤺

This is a great opportunity to highlight some of the wellness perks and benefits that we offer at work. These include:


We really hope that these initiatives and benefits will help you prioritize your health and well-being at work and at home. 🤗 Let's come together to make Wellness Month a success!

Thank you! 🙏 

Your People Team

Please check out our June Wellness Month initiatives
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Hi all,

June is Wellness Month. Here are the weekly goals/challenges for June Wellness Month:

  • Week 1: Take 5 minutes to stretch every day
  • Week 2: Have a tech-free lunch every day
  • Week 3: Convert at least 2 meetings into walk and talk meetings
  • Week 4: Make a shout out to at least one colleague expressing gratitude
  • Week 5: Exchange at least 1 favorite healthy and easy recipe

We encourage you to share your progress in the Slack channel #June_Wellness_Challenge.

Your progress may be highlighted in a Company Newsletter.

We also want to take this opportunity to highlight some of the wellness perks and benefits that we offer at work. These include:


We hope that these initiatives and benefits will help you prioritize your health and well-being. Thank you for participating. 

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
3 days before Professional Wellness Month (June)
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
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How to celebrate Professional Wellness Month at work

June's designation as Professional Wellness Month emphasizes the importance of health and well-being in the work environment. It's a time to focus on strategies that enhance employee wellness, which is essential for a balanced and fulfilling professional life.

Celebrating Professional Wellness Month is about more than just individual health; it's about cultivating a workplace culture that values and supports the overall well-being of its team. This observance can lead to a more engaged and productive workforce and a more harmonious office atmosphere.

For an effective Professional Wellness Month at work, consider:

  • Introducing manageable weekly wellness challenges like daily stretches or screen-free breaks.
  • Highlighting existing company benefits that support well-being, such as wellness programs or flexible schedules.
  • Encouraging engagement through communication channels, social media, or special events.
  • Providing a platform for employee feedback on wellness initiatives, reinforcing a culture that cherishes work-life balance and mental health.

Inspiration from other companies

Looking to set up achievable wellness challenges for your team? Book a demo with ChangeEngine today!