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IMPORTANT: Introducing New CRM System [Salesforce/Hubspot]
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Hi everyone,

We're excited to announce that we're adopting a new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system[Salesforce/Hubspot], to streamline our customer interactions and drive business growth.

This new CRM system will centralize our customer data, manage interactions and sales, and provide us with deeper insights into our customer behaviors and needs.

We understand that moving to a new system can be challenging. To facilitate this, we're offering comprehensive training sessions starting from [start date] to [end date]. These will help familiarize you with the new system and equip you with the necessary skills to utilize it efficiently.

We also have a dedicated team ready to assist with any questions or concerns you might have during this transition. We'll be providing additional guides and online resources for further support.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this transition. We believe this new CRM will significantly enhance our customer relations and business operations.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to your manager or the IT department.

Thank you,

People Team

IMPORTANT: Introducing New CRM System [Salesforce/Hubspot]
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Hey everyone, 👋

We're excited to announce that we're adopting a new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system[Salesforce/Hubspot], to streamline our customer interactions and drive business growth. 📈

This new CRM system will centralize our customer data, manage interactions and sales, and provide us with deeper insights into our customer behaviors and needs. 🔍

We're setting up some training sessions from [start date] to [end date] to help you get the hang of the new system. 🤓

We also have a dedicated team ready to assist with any questions or concerns you might have during this transition. We'll be providing additional guides and online resources for further support. 🤝

Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this transition. We promise, this new CRM is going to amp up our customer relations and our day-to-day operations. 💪

If you've got any questions, reach out to your manager or IT department.

Thank you 🙏

People Team

IMPORTANT: Introducing New CRM System [Salesforce/Hubspot]
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Hi all,

We're implementing a new CRM system[Salesforce/Hubspot]. It's an upgrade that'll improve our customer interactions and help grow our business.

This new CRM system will centralize our customer data, manage interactions and sales, and provide us with deeper insights into our customer behaviors and needs.

You'll be trained on how to use this new system from [start date] to [end date]. There's a team on standby to address any concerns during this transition, and extra resources will be available.

Thanks for your cooperation. The new CRM will significantly boost our operations and customer relations.

Any issues or questions, please reach out to your manager or IT.

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
When new CRM tool is set up
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
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How to get employees to use new CRM

For utilizing our readily-branded templates in the Digital Adoption Program, search for the company brand of the software you're launching rather than using your own company brand. Doing this will visually showcase your newly selected software in your communications.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are vital in modern business due to their role in enhancing customer interactions. They centralize customer data, enabling a comprehensive view of each customer that aids in trend identification, need anticipation, and tailored communication. This fosters robust, enduring customer relationships. Moreover, a well-utilized CRM streamlines sales processes, boosting efficiency and revenue.

Rolling out a CRM system effectively is equally important as the system itself. It’s vital to ensure that all users understand how to use the system properly and to its full potential. This typically involves thorough planning, communication, and training. A poorly executed rollout can lead to user resistance, low adoption rates, and an inability to realize the system's full benefits. On the other hand, a well-executed rollout ensures that the team is comfortable with the new system, leading to a high adoption rate and maximized return on investment.

Inspiration from other companies

Change is seamless with ChangeEngine. Get in touch today to strategically manage your communications during your digital roll-out.