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IMPORTANT: Introducing our new platform [Google Workspace/Microsoft Office 365/Notion]
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Hi everyone,

We are excited to announce that we're launching a new productivity tool, [Google Workspace/Microsoft Office 365/Notion], to help streamline our work processes and enhance collaboration.

This innovative tool has been carefully chosen to fit our organization's needs and to aid in efficiently managing our tasks. Our primary aim is to help reduce unnecessary workload, improve time management, and facilitate more efficient communication.

Over the next few weeks, we'll be rolling out this tool across the company. To support this transition, we'll be offering training sessions to help everyone become comfortable with the new platform. We strongly encourage everyone to attend these sessions to get familiarized with all the features and functions.

We believe that this tool will significantly improve our productivity and team collaboration. Your cooperation and open-mindedness during this transition period are much appreciated.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to your manager or the IT department. We're here to support you through this transition.

Thank you for your continuous hard work and dedication. Together, we'll make the most of this new tool and continue driving our success.

Thank you,

People Team

IMPORTANT: Introducing our new platform [Google Workspace/Microsoft Office 365/Notion]
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Hey everyone 👋

We've got some exciting news! We're launching a cool new tool, [Google Workspace/Microsoft Office 365/Notion], that's going to make our work lives so much easier. Think of it as your new sidekick to help you crush your to-do list, save time, and make teaming up on tasks a breeze. 🤓👏

Over the next few weeks, we'll be rolling this out to all of you. Don't worry, we won't just throw you in the deep end! We've got some fun, easy-to-digest training sessions planned to help everyone get the hang of our new technology. 🧑‍🏫

This tool is going to be a game changer for our productivity and teamwork. We can't wait for you to start benefiting from all of its features.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to your manager or the IT department. We're here to support you through this transition.

Thank you for your continuous hard work and dedication. Together, we'll make the most of this new tool and continue driving our success. 🚀

Thank you 🙏

People Team

IMPORTANT: Introducing our new platform [Google Workspace/Microsoft Office 365/Notion]
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Hi all,

We're adopting [Google Workspace/Microsoft Office 365/Notion] to empower our productivity. These tools enable us to create, collaborate, and organize our work more effectively, leading to improved efficiency and results.

Whether you're drafting a document, building a presentation, or organizing notes, these tools provide an intuitive interface and powerful features to make your work easier. Furthermore, their robust collaboration features mean that teamwork is easier than ever.

Training will be provided to ensure everyone can leverage these tools to their full potential.

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
When new productivity tool is set up
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
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How to get employees to use new productivity tool

For utilizing our readily-branded templates in the Digital Adoption Program, search for the company brand of the software you're launching rather than using your own company brand. Doing this will visually showcase your newly selected software in your communications.

Productivity tools are an essential investment for any business seeking to optimize work processes, boost efficiency, improve collaboration, and ultimately drive growth and success.

A successful rollout of such tools necessitates clear communication and guidance, comprehensive training, and continuous support. Regular feedback mechanisms are vital to identify areas of improvement, ensure user satisfaction, and facilitate seamless adoption, maximizing its benefits.

Inspiration from other companies

Change is seamless with ChangeEngine. Get in touch today to strategically manage your communications during your digital roll-out.