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Level Up! Celebrate National Video Games Day with Us!
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Hi everyone,

Today, we celebrate National Video Games Day, a day dedicated to appreciating the technological and creative advancements in the world of gaming. Did you know that the first video game was created in 1958? It was a simple tennis game, similar to the classic 1970s video game Pong.

To celebrate, we encourage you to take a short break and enjoy a game of your choice. For those in the office, we've set up a gaming station in the break room. For our remote team, consider joining an online multiplayer game with your colleagues.

Additionally, we'll be hosting a virtual trivia session about video games at lunchtime. It's a fun opportunity to test your knowledge and connect with your teammates.

Enjoy the day and happy gaming!

Thank you,

People Team

Level Up! Celebrate National Video Games Day with Us!
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Hey everyone,

Happy National Video Games Day! 🎮 Did you know this holiday was established to appreciate the technological and artistic achievements in the video game industry?

To celebrate, we're hosting a virtual gaming tournament at lunchtime. All skill levels are welcome, so don't be shy! We'll also have a "Guess the Game" challenge on our Slack channel throughout the day.

For those in the office, we'll have a few consoles set up in the break room. Feel free to drop by and play a round or two.

Let's have some fun and level up our team spirit! 🕹️

Thank you,

People Team

Level Up! Celebrate National Video Games Day with Us!
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Hi all,

Today we celebrate National Video Games Day, a day dedicated to appreciating the fun and entertainment video games bring into our lives. Did you know that this holiday was established in the 1990s, during the golden age of arcade games?

To celebrate, we're hosting a virtual gaming tournament during lunch break. All you need is a smartphone or computer to join in. We'll also have a game-themed trivia quiz in the afternoon, so brush up on your gaming knowledge!

Let's have some fun and celebrate the gamer in all of us.

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
Day of National Video Games Day (September 12th)
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
Celebrating National Video Games Day Together
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Hi everyone,

We are excited to announce that our company will be participating in the upcoming National Video Games Day, which is just a week away.

This is a great opportunity for us to bond as a team and share our love for video games. We encourage everyone to participate and make the most of this fun-filled day.

Please keep an eye out for further communications detailing the activities we have planned. We promise it will be an enjoyable experience for all, regardless of your gaming skills or experience.

Thank you for your continued dedication and hard work. We look forward to celebrating this special day with you.

Thank you,

People Team

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How to celebrate National Video Games Day at work

National Video Games Day is celebrated annually on September 12th. It's a day dedicated to remembering and appreciating the evolution, technology, and enjoyment of video games.

Recognizing diverse and fun holidays like National Video Games Day is important for fostering a sense of community and engagement among employees. It provides an opportunity to connect on a personal level, share interests, and create a fun, inclusive work environment.

To celebrate this day at work:

  • Organize a video game tournament with popular games.
  • Have a lunchtime discussion about favorite video games.
  • Encourage employees to dress up as their favorite video game characters.

Inspiration from other companies

Ready to level up your National Video Games Day celebration? Contact ChangeEngine today and let's create an epic gaming experience together!