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Get Geared Up: Celebrating National Engineers Week Together!
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Hi everyone,

This National Engineering Week, we want to extend a heartfelt shoutout to the unsung heroes of our company - our engineers. Your tireless efforts, unmatched expertise, and unwavering dedication don't just solve problems; they innovate, inspire, and ignite change.

To our non-engineering team members: take a moment this week to high-five, fist-bump, or simply say thanks to an engineer near you. They're the ones ensuring our dreams take flight and our goals see light.

As a token of our appreciation, we're gifting each of our engineers a sleek, limited-edition multitool pen - a cool gadget fitting for our coolest problem solvers! It's a small gesture to say: We value you and the bridges, codes, and wonders you create.

Here's to our engineers and the magic they bring every day!

Warm Regards,

[Your Name/Company Leadership]

Get Geared Up: Celebrating National Engineers Week Together!
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Hey everyone,

Happy National Engineering Week! 🎉 Quick shoutout to our rockstar engineers – you folks are the wizards behind the curtain, turning coffee into code and doodles into designs.

For everyone else, if you've got an engineer buddy in the office, maybe shoot them a "thanks" or slide them an extra cookie at lunch. They're the real MVPs making sure our big ideas don't crash and burn (or glitch out).

And hey, engineers, we've got a little something for you: a gift card for [Favorite Local Cafe or Bakery] – because we know engineering runs on brainpower and... well, snacks.

Cheers to all and let's keep making awesome stuff together!


[Your Name/Company Leadership]

Get Geared Up: Celebrating National Engineers Week Together!
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Hi all,

It's National Engineering Week. A big thanks to our engineers – you're the backbone of our successes. Everyone, please acknowledge the hard work they put in daily. Engineers, as appreciation, we've secured a gift card for [Local Cafe/Bakery] for each of you.

Here's to more accomplishments together!

[Your Name/Company Leadership]

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
During National Engineers Week (Second Wednesday of February)
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
Celebrating National Engineers Week - Recognizing Our Exceptional Engineers
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Hi everyone,

We are excited to announce that National Engineers Week is just around the corner! This special week, dedicated to recognizing the contributions of engineers, will commence in about a week.

As a company that values the hard work and dedication of our engineering team, we will be participating in this celebration. We believe it's a great opportunity to show our appreciation and recognition for the exceptional work you all do.

Stay tuned for more details on how we plan to celebrate this important week. We look forward to acknowledging the remarkable contributions you make to our company and the industry as a whole.

Thank you,

People Team

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How to show appreciation for a specific employee during National Engineers Week

National Engineers Week is an annual celebration that recognizes the contributions of engineers to society. It is celebrated during the third week of February, coinciding with the birthday of George Washington, who is considered the nation's first engineer. 

Recognizing diverse and fun holidays like National Engineers Week fosters a sense of belonging and appreciation among employees. It provides an opportunity for connection, engagement, and learning, thereby enhancing the overall work environment and boosting morale.

  • Organize a lunch and learn session with a guest speaker from the engineering field.
  • Host a team-building engineering challenge or competition.
  • Encourage employees to share their experiences in engineering.
  • Make a shout out to employees) who go above and beyond in the engineering department.

Inspiration from other companies

Power up your employee recognition this National Engineering Week. Connect with ChangeEngine!