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Thank you, Interns!
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Hi everyone,

Today is National Intern Day — a day dedicated to recognizing the incredible contributions interns make in the workplace. We'd like to take this opportunity to extend our deepest appreciation to all of our interns. You bring a unique blend of enthusiasm, fresh perspectives, and hard work that revitalizes and enriches our team.

This year, we'd like to spotlight {{first_name}} for their outstanding contributions. {{first_name}} has consistently gone above and beyond in [describe the project or task]. Not only did {{first_name}} master the responsibilities of their own role, but they also stepped in to assist other departments, showcasing an admirable team spirit. Their innovation and dedication have set an example for us all, and we can't wait to see where your career takes you!

In honor of National Intern Day, we will be hosting a small get-together this afternoon in the break room. We encourage everyone to take a moment to come by, enjoy some refreshments, and express our appreciation to our wonderful interns.

Thank you to all of our interns for your invaluable contributions. We look forward to celebrating you today and every day!

People Team

Thank you, Interns!
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Hey {{first_name}}!

🎉 Big virtual high-fives coming your way! 🙌 Your time with us wasn't just an internship - it felt like you were part of the main cast, delivering star performances day in, day out. Your dedication, creativity, and that undeniable spark you bring to the table? Absolutely top-notch!

We've been genuinely wowed by your contribution, and just know that the sky's the limit for you. Here's to all the awesome things you'll undoubtedly achieve in the future! 🌟

Cheers to your greatness and thanks for being such a rockstar,

People Team

Thank you, Interns!
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I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the exceptional work you've put in during your internship. It's not every day we come across an intern who displays such dedication, passion, and an eagerness to exceed expectations like you have. Your contributions have not only enriched our projects but have also set a high standard for commitment and enthusiasm.

Your effort has truly made a difference and it's been a pleasure watching you grow and thrive in this role. Please know that your hard work hasn't gone unnoticed, and we are genuinely grateful to have had you on our team. Wishing you all the success in your future endeavors!

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
On National Intern Day (last Thursday of July)
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
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How to celebrate and appreciate Interns at work

Interns are indispensable to any organization, offering new insights, skills, and vibrant energy that can invigorate long-standing teams. They are more than learners; they are contributors whose work supports the organization's objectives. Interns combine a passion for learning with the drive to contribute, making them valuable assets who often exceed expectations.

National Intern Day, observed on the last Thursday of July, is the perfect occasion to honor the exceptional contributions of interns. It's a day set aside to appreciate the hard work and fresh ideas they bring to the table and to acknowledge their part in achieving company milestones.

To celebrate National Intern Day, consider these activities:

  • Arrange a team lunch outing where interns can mingle with staff and leadership.
  • Host a mentorship luncheon to facilitate career discussions and networking with company mentors.
  • Spotlight intern achievements in team meetings or company-wide communications to publicly recognize their hard work and foster a sense of accomplishment. These initiatives can demonstrate appreciation and encourage interns to continue their excellent work.

Inspiration from other companies

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