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Unleash Your Inner Bookworm: Celebrating National Book Week Together!
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Hi everyone,

We're excited to celebrate National Book Week today! This week is dedicated to fostering a love for reading and promoting literacy. Did you know that this celebration started in 1919, making it one of the longest-running national literacy initiatives?

To celebrate, we're encouraging everyone to share their favorite book during our team meeting. If you're working remotely, feel free to share a picture of your favorite book on our virtual bulletin board. 

Additionally, we're hosting a virtual book club where we'll discuss a short story. This is a great opportunity to connect with colleagues and discover new literature. 

Let's celebrate the joy of reading together!

Thank you,

People Team

Unleash Your Inner Bookworm: Celebrating National Book Week Together!
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Hey everyone,

Happy National Book Week! 📚 Did you know this holiday started in 1919 to promote literacy and love for reading? 

To celebrate, we're hosting a virtual book club. Grab your favorite book, share a brief summary, and why you love it. It's a great way to discover new reads and connect with colleagues. 🌐📖

For those in the office, we'll have a "Book Swap" station in the break room. Bring a book you've enjoyed and swap it for another! 📚

Let's turn a new page together this National Book Week. 🎉

Thank you,

People Team

Unleash Your Inner Bookworm: Celebrating National Book Week Together!
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Hi all,

Today we celebrate National Book Week, a holiday dedicated to promoting the joy and importance of reading. Did you know that this holiday was first established in 1919 by the American Booksellers Association?

To celebrate, we encourage everyone to share a favorite book or author in our virtual "Book Club" channel. This is a great way to discover new reads and connect with colleagues over shared interests. 

For those in the office, we'll have a "Book Swap" station in the break room. Bring a book you've enjoyed and swap it for another!

Happy reading!

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
During National Book Week (last full week in January)
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
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How to celebrate National Book Day at work

National Book Week is a week-long celebration dedicated to the promotion of reading and literacy. It is typically celebrated in the last week of September. This observance is an opportunity to highlight the importance of books in our lives and to encourage a love for reading among all ages.

Recognizing diverse and fun holidays like National Book Week can foster a sense of connection and engagement among employees. It allows individuals to share their interests and passions, promoting a more inclusive and understanding work environment.

To celebrate National Book Week at work, consider the following:

- Organize a book exchange among employees

- Host a virtual book club meeting

- Encourage employees to share their favorite books and why they love them.

Inspiration from other companies

Ready to make National Book Week unforgettable? Contact ChangeEngine today and let's create a celebration that truly honors the joy of reading!