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Let's Gather Together for a Fun-filled Friendsgiving Celebration!
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Hi everyone,

We're excited to introduce a new tradition to our workplace - Friendsgiving! This is a day to celebrate our work family and express gratitude for each other. On this day, we'll have a potluck lunch where everyone is encouraged to bring a dish to share. If you're working remotely, you can join us virtually and enjoy your lunch at the same time.

Another fun activity we'll be doing is a virtual "gratitude wall" where everyone can post what they're thankful for. This can be done in person or remotely.

Did you know Friendsgiving started in the mid-2000s as a way for friends to celebrate Thanksgiving together, often before they travel home to their families?

Thank you,

People Team

Let's Gather Together for a Fun-filled Friendsgiving Celebration!
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Hey everyone,

Happy Friendsgiving! 🦃 This holiday is all about celebrating friendship and gratitude. Fun fact: Friendsgiving started gaining popularity in the mid-2000s, and it's been a hit ever since! 

To celebrate, we're hosting a virtual potluck. 🍲 Share your favorite recipe and a photo of the finished dish. We'll compile them into a company cookbook! 

For those in the office, we'll have a gratitude wall. 📝 Write down what you're thankful for and stick it up. It's a great way to spread positivity and appreciation. 

Remember, Friendsgiving is about more than just food—it's about celebrating our work family. So let's gobble up the opportunity to show our gratitude! 🧡

Thank you,

People Team

Let's Gather Together for a Fun-filled Friendsgiving Celebration!
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Hi all,

Today we celebrate Friendsgiving, a holiday that allows us to express gratitude for our work family. It's a day to share a meal, stories, and laughter. Fun fact: Friendsgiving started in the US around 2007 and has since become a beloved tradition worldwide.

To celebrate, we're hosting a potluck lunch in the break room. Bring a dish that represents your culture or a family recipe. For our remote team, join us via video call and share your meal virtually.

Let's take this opportunity to appreciate each other and give thanks.

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
(Any time in November)
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Slack/MS Teams Channel
Reminder: Friendsgiving Celebration - One Week Away!
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Hi everyone,

We are excited to remind you that our annual Friendsgiving celebration is just around the corner, approximately one week away. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to come together as a team and express our gratitude for each other.

Please keep an eye out for further details regarding the event. We will be sharing more information about the time, location, and activities soon. We encourage everyone to participate and make this event memorable.

We look forward to celebrating this special occasion with all of you. Let's make this Friendsgiving a memorable one!

Thank you,

People Team

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How to host a Friendsgiving Potluck at work

Friendsgiving is a blend of "friends" and "Thanksgiving," celebrated on the Wednesday before or the Friday after Thanksgiving Day. It's a day to share a meal with friends, especially for those who can't make it home for the holiday.

Recognizing diverse holidays like Friendsgiving fosters inclusivity and strengthens bonds among employees. It provides an opportunity for team members to connect on a personal level, enhancing employee engagement and morale.

Ideas for celebrating Friendsgiving at work:

  • Organize a potluck lunch
  • Host a virtual cooking class
  • Arrange a team-building game session
  • Encourage employees to share what they're thankful for

Tips for organizing Friendsgiving at work:

  • Choose a Date: Pick a date that's close to Thanksgiving but consider work schedules to maximize attendance.
  • Venue Selection: Decide whether to host the Friendsgiving in the office, a rented space, or a willing coworker's home.
  • Plan the Menu: Go potluck style to involve everyone and accommodate various diets, or cater to simplify logistics.
  • RSVP System: Set up an RSVP system to get a headcount and track who brings what if it's potluck.
  • Dietary Considerations: Ensure options for vegetarians, vegans, gluten-free, and other dietary restrictions are available.
  • Decorations: Add a festive touch with themed decorations like autumn leaves, pumpkins, and candles.
  • Seating Arrangements: Arrange seating that encourages mingling and interaction among different groups.
  • Activities and Icebreakers: Plan activities or icebreakers to get people talking and build team camaraderie.
  • Express Gratitude: Make it a tradition to share what you're thankful for, professionally or personally.
  • Capture the Memories: Set up a photo booth or have someone take pictures for those who want to remember the day.
  • Cleanup Crew: Organize a team for setup and cleanup duties, making it a part of the event's team-building aspect.
  • Follow-up: Send out a thank you message to attendees and share photos and highlights post-event.

Inspiration from other companies

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