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Perk Up! Let's Celebrate National Coffee Day Together!
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Hi everyone,

We're excited to share that today is National Coffee Day! This day is celebrated to honor the beverage that fuels our mornings and keeps us going throughout the day. Did you know that coffee is the second most traded commodity on earth?

To celebrate, we're encouraging everyone to share a photo of their favorite coffee mug or coffee spot at home. Post your photos on our team chat with the hashtag #NationalCoffeeDay. For those in the office, we'll have a special coffee tasting in the break room. 

Let's take a moment today to appreciate the humble coffee bean and the joy it brings to our daily lives. 

Thank you,

People Team

Perk Up! Let's Celebrate National Coffee Day Together!
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Hey everyone,

Happy National Coffee Day! ☕️ Did you know that this holiday was first celebrated in Japan in 1983? It's now a global celebration of our favorite caffeinated beverage. 

To celebrate, we're brewing up some fun activities. First, we're hosting a virtual coffee tasting. Grab your favorite cup of joe and join us on Zoom to share your thoughts. It's a latte fun! 

Second, we're encouraging everyone to share their favorite coffee recipes on our team Slack channel. Whether it's a simple drip coffee or a fancy macchiato, we can't wait to see what you're brewing. 

So, let's espresso our love for coffee together. Happy sipping! ☕️

Thank you,

People Team

Perk Up! Let's Celebrate National Coffee Day Together!
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Hi all,

Today, we celebrate National Coffee Day, a day dedicated to appreciating the beverage that fuels our workdays. Did you know that coffee is the second most traded commodity on earth after oil?

To celebrate, we're hosting a virtual coffee tasting session. Grab your favorite brew and join us on Zoom to share your coffee stories. For those in the office, we've arranged a special coffee cart serving a variety of blends. 

Let's take a moment to appreciate the humble coffee bean that keeps us going. 

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
Day of National Coffee Day (September 29th)
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
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How to celebrate National Coffee Day at work

National Coffee Day is a day dedicated to honoring one of the world's most beloved beverages, coffee. Celebrated annually on September 29th, it's a day to indulge in your favorite coffee drink and appreciate the rich history and cultural impact of this popular beverage.

Recognizing diverse and fun holidays like National Coffee Day is important as it creates opportunities for connection and employee engagement. It allows employees to share their love for coffee, learn about different coffee cultures, and bond over shared experiences, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie in the workplace.

To celebrate National Coffee Day at work, consider:

  • Hosting a coffee tasting event with different blends from around the world.
  • Organizing a barista workshop to learn how to make the perfect cup.
  • Encouraging employees to share their favorite coffee recipes or coffee shops.

Inspiration from other companies

Ready to brew up some excitement for National Coffee Day? Contact ChangeEngine today and let's create a celebration that's truly grounds for applause!