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Observing King's Birthday
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Hi everyone,

Today marks the observance of the King's Birthday in New Zealand and Australia. In New Zealand, this holiday is celebrated on the first Monday of June, and in Australia, the date varies by state but generally falls on the second Monday of June. As a result, our offices in New Zealand and Australia will be closed for the day.

A few interesting historical facts:

  • The holiday originally commemorated King George V and has since evolved to honor the reigning British monarch.
  • In New Zealand, the King's Birthday often coincides with winter sporting events, as June is a winter month.
  • In Australia, the holiday traditionally signals the opening of the ski season.

For any urgent matters, please utilize our emergency support channels, as offices based in New Zealand and Australia will be out of the office today.

Thank you,

People Team

Observing King's Birthday
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Hi everyone,

Today is the King's Birthday holiday in New Zealand, celebrated on the first Monday in June. In Australia, the date varies by state but it's generally the second Monday in June. So our teams in these locations will be out of the office today, taking a well-deserved break. 🎉

Here are some royal facts for your enjoyment:

  • The holiday originally honored King George V, but now it's about the current monarch.
  • In New Zealand, the day is often marked with winter sports events since June is a winter month there. ❄️
  • In Australia, the holiday is also associated with the opening of the ski season. 🎿

Remember to send any urgent queries to our emergency support channels, as offices in New Zealand and Australia are closed today.

Thank you,

People Team

Observing King's Birthday
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Hi all,

Today is the King's Birthday, a public holiday in New Zealand and Australia. Our offices in these countries are closed. In New Zealand, it's observed on the first Monday in June; in Australia, the date varies by state but is usually the second Monday in June.

Quick facts:

  • The holiday honors the current British monarch
  • In New Zealand, it's winter sports season
  • In Australia, it marks the start of ski season

For urgent issues, please use our emergency support channels. Offices in New Zealand and Australia are out today.

Thank you,

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
On the first Monday in June (New Zealand) or second Monday in June (Australia except in Western Australia usually the last Monday of September and Queensland, first Monday of October)
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
King's Birthday is coming up!
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Hi everyone,

We hope this message finds you well. We are writing to remind you of the upcoming holiday, King's Birthday, which will be observed in about a week.

Please note that this holiday is observed in several countries where we have offices. These include New Zealand and Australia. If you are based in one of these countries, please remember that you will be out of the office on this day.

Upcoming days off - 

New Zealand: First Monday in June

Australia: Second Monday in June

For those who are not based in these countries, please be aware that your colleagues in these locations will not be available. We encourage everyone to plan their work schedules and communications accordingly to ensure a smooth workflow during this period.

Thank you,

People Team

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How to celebrate King's Birthday at work

The King's or Queen's Birthday is a public holiday observed in New Zealand and Australia to honor the reigning British monarch. In New Zealand, it is usually celebrated on the first Monday in June, while in Australia, the date varies by state but is generally the second Monday in June. Aside from these two countries, only the Falkland Islands officially observe this holiday with time off work.

Recognizing diverse holidays and days of observance is crucial for global teams as it fosters inclusivity and shows respect for cultural traditions. It helps employees feel valued and acknowledged, enhancing a sense of community and mutual respect within the organization.

Inspiration from other companies

Ready to celebrate diversity and honor significant observances like King's Birthday? Contact ChangeEngine today and let's create meaningful celebrations together!