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Let’s learn and grow in recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ Day
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Hi everyone,

Today is Indigenous Peoples' Day/Columbus Day.

We want to take a moment to reflect on how the day has been honored. Columbus Day seeks to honor the spirit of exploration and the history Italian Americans bring to our country, but it is important to remember the devastating effect colonization had on Native American and Indigenous communities.

Though some organizations observe Columbus Day, we choose to honor this day as Indigenous Peoples' Day.

Let us use this opportunity to learn more about Indigenous cultures, seek ways to empower them, and explore the rich history they have brought to our country. By understanding these aspects of this heritage, we can ensure that native voices are heard, respected & honored.

Thank you, 

People Team

Let’s learn and grow in recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ Day
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Hi, everyone!

As we're coming up on the second Monday in October, in recognition of Indigenous Peoples' Day the company will be closed. We hope that you enjoy this day off to celebrate the rich cultures and traditions of indigenous peoples around the world 🪶

Let us use this opportunity to learn more about Indigenous cultures, seek ways to empower them, and explore the rich history they have brought to our country. It could be reading articles or studying facts related to them; watching documentaries and films that tell their stories; listening to podcasts that discuss their struggles; or even donating time and resources in support of them 🤲

Thank you! 

Let’s learn and grow in recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ Day
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Hi all,

Today, in recognition of Indigenous Peoples' Day, our offices will be closed. We hope that you enjoy this day off to celebrate the rich cultures and traditions of indigenous peoples around the world.

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
Day of Indigenous Peoples' Day (second Monday of October)
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Slack/MS Teams Channel
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How to observe Indigenous Peoples' Day in the workplace

For as long as there has been a United States of America, there has been a Columbus Day. Celebrated on the second Monday of October, Columbus Day commemorates the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas in 1492. For many years, Native American and Indigenous people have protested Columbus Day, arguing that it celebrates a man who oversaw the genocide of indigenous people and the theft of their land. In 1989, South Dakota became the first state to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples' Day. Since then, more and more states and cities have done the same.

In 2018, Minnesota became the most recent state to replace Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples' Day. There are many reasons why Indigenous Peoples' Day is important. First and foremost, it celebrates the cultures and history of indigenous people. It also helps to raise awareness about the genocide and displacement of indigenous people that took place following Columbus' arrival. Finally, Indigenous Peoples' Day helps to promote reconciliation between indigenous and non-indigenous people.

Here are a few ideas of ways your team can observe Indigenous Peoples' Day:

  • Spend a day in a local park or reforestation area, planting native plants to improve the ecosystem
  • Learn about indigenous art, music, and cultures
  • Visit a local museum or cultural exhibition to learn more about Indigenous peoples from your geographic location
  • Support Indigenous businesses, authors, artists, etc.
  • Volunteer or donate to a charity that supports Indigenous people

Inspiration from other companies

Want to celebrate Indigenous Peoples' Day in a meaningful way? Contact ChangeEngine for ideas and support!