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Share your experience on Glassdoor!
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Hi {{first_name}},

We would love for you to take a moment and review our company on Glassdoor!

Glassdoor allows job seekers to gain insights about jobs and companies and decide where they want to work. We use employee feedback on Glassdoor to listen to you so that we can become a better company. Your insight also helps potential team members learn more about our company culture, team structures, and so much more. It’s important that our team provides feedback on what it’s like to work here, so we can continue improving and attracting great talent like you.

It only takes a few minutes to complete, and your feedback is anonymous. [ADD LINK]

Thank you for your time, 

People Team

Share your experience on Glassdoor!
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Hey, {{first_name}}! 👋

Have you reviewed {{company}} on Glassdoor yet? If not, it only takes a minute and is completely anonymous!

Make it happen here ➡️ [LINK TO REVIEW]

Glassdoor allows job seekers to invaluable gain insights about jobs and companies. Here's a few reasons we ❤️ Glassdoor reviews from YOU: 

👂 We are able to tune in for more feedback to improve our company. 

📌 Genuine reviews showcase what it's really like to work on our team. 

⭐️ This feedback can help candidates prepare for interviews. 

🧲 We can attract get talent with helpful insight about who we are.

We're so grateful for you help! 

Share your experience on Glassdoor!
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Hi all,

Please take a moment and review {{company}} on Glassdoor! [ADD LINK TO COMPANY REVIEW]

We use employee feedback on Glassdoor to listen to you so that we can become a better company. Your insight also helps potential team members learn more about our company culture, team structures, and so much more. With your help, we can continue improving and attracting great talent like you.

It only takes a few minutes to complete, and your feedback is anonymous. 

People Team

Individual Employee
Recommended Send Time:
90 days after Start Date
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams 1:1
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How to ask employees to post a Glassdoor review

Reviews are one of the most powerful ways to establish a clear employer brand. For employees, reviews offer the chance to be heard, especially when they are anonymous. As for employers, reviews offer an opportunity to look deep within the company culture and ensure that what’s actually happening and being experienced inside an organization is aligned with the company’s aspirations. Reviews not only impact the prospective employees, but also your current team.

Your company's Glassdoor reviews are a critical aspect of your recruitment strategy. Authentic reviews from your employees can help shape how candidate view your company. A review from an employee on Glassdoor can often give better insight to a candidate about company culture than what they learn in an interview. When candidates have a better understanding of what to expect in terms of company culture, the likelihood that they will stay at the company will also increase. 

Remember that growth can come from critical feedback. Don't get upset or lash out when there is negative feedback. When content employees share items they wish were improved, it helps better prepare new talent that is considering taking up a position about some issues that may exist within the company.

Encourage your employees to review your company on Glassdoor throughout the year to ensure feedback remains genuine.

Inspiration from other companies

Looking to increase employe branding and boost your recruitment strategy with authentic Glassdoor reviews? Book a demo with ChangeEngine today!