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We need your help!
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Hi everyone,

We are seeking talented individuals to join our team! Currently, we have the following available positions we are looking to fill:


No one knows our culture better than you. If you know someone who would be a good fit for this position and for our company's culture, we want to hear from you.


To make a referral, please email [NAME/EMAIL] the following information: 

  • Person's name and last time
  • Connection to this person
  • What position you think this person would be a good fit for
  • This person's expertise and most valuable skills 
  • Why this person would be a good fit for our culture

We appreciate your support as we work to grow our team. With your expansive networks, we are certain you know at least one person who would be a great addition.

Keep an eye on our careers page to stay up to date with new job postings. We are always accepting employee referrals!

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about our referral process.

Thank you for your help,

People Team

We need your help!
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Hey there, amazing team! 👋

We've got some exciting news to share. We have a few open positions at {{company}} and we need your superpowers to help us find our next awesome team members! 📢

Do you happen to know anyone who would be a perfect fit for these positions and our incredible company culture? We're counting on your insider knowledge! 😉

Check out the details for each position below:


To make a referral, simply shoot an email to [NAME/EMAIL] with the following info:

✅ Person's name and last name

✅ How you know this person

✅ Which position you think would be a great fit for them

✅ Their amazing expertise and top-notch skills

✅ And of course, why you think they'd be a perfect match for our culture

We appreciate your help as we continue to grow our dream team. We know you've got an extensive network, so we're confident you know at least one person who would be an outstanding addition. 🫶

Thank you for being awesome and lending a hand! 🙏

We need your help!
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Hi all,

We need your help to find our next talented team members! Currently, we have the following available positions we are looking to fill:



To make a referral, please email [NAME/EMAIL] the following information: 

  • Person's name and last time
  • Connection to this person
  • What position you think this person would be a good fit for
  • This person's expertise and most valuable skills 
  • Why this person would be a good fit for our culture

Thank you for taking the time to refer your talented connections. 

People Team

Individual Employee
Recommended Send Time:
30 days after Start Date
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams 1:1
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How to encourage employees to refer their connections

When it comes to finding individuals who have the skills and fit for your organization, your current employees are often your best recruiters. We strongly recommend developing an Employee Referral Program to encourage and incentivize your talented team to refer their connections for available roles. Employee Referral Programs typically offer cash bonuses and other enticing rewards for great hires.

However, even if you don't yet have an established Employee Referral Program, you should still be sharing openings with your team and encouraging them to help spread the word.

Key things to include in your employee referral communications:

  • Keep things simple and be sure your information is direct and accurate. Include the correct link to the job or jobs available and the key details about the position/s. 
  • Clarify the details behind your recruiting process. Will you be following up with every referral? Remain transparent about your hiring plans.
  • If you have an Employee Referral Program, clearly state the steps to receiving a referral reward.

Don't forget to communicate your job postings and employees referrals frequently!

Inspiration from other companies

Looking for more ways to generate high quality employee referrals? Book a time to chat with us!