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Celebrating Chinese New Year/Spring Festival!
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Hi everyone,

Today, we celebrate the Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, or Lunar New Year, a significant holiday in many Asian cultures. This festival marks the beginning of a new lunar year and is rich in history and tradition. Each year is associated with one of the 12 animals in the Chinese zodiac. This is the year of [Fill in Chinese Zodiac].

  • One of the most important traditions of Chinese New Year is the family reunion dinner, similar to Thanksgiving in the U.S. Families gather, often traveling long distances, to share a meal that includes dishes symbolizing good luck and prosperity for the coming year.
  • Dragon and Lion Dances: Public celebrations often feature vibrant performances like dragon and lion dances, which are believed to drive away evil spirits and bring good fortune. These are accompanied by fireworks and the loud beating of drums and cymbals.
  • Red Envelopes: It's customary to give red envelopes (hóngbāo) filled with money to children and sometimes employees as a symbol of good luck and blessings for the year ahead.
  • During Chinese New Year, a common greeting is "Gong Xi Fa Cai" (Mandarin) or "Gong Hey Fat Choy" (Cantonese), which roughly translates to "Wishing you great happiness and prosperity." Another popular greeting is "Xin Nian Kuai Le" (Mandarin) or "San Nin Fai Lok" (Cantonese), meaning "Happy New Year."

Please note, our offices in the countries observing this holiday will be closed. If you are unsure whether your office observes this holiday, please check with your local People Team.

Wishing you great happiness and prosperity in the new year!

Thank you,

People Team

Celebrating Chinese New Year/Spring Festival!
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Hi everyone,

🎉 Today we're celebrating Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival or Lunar New Year for other countries. This marks the beginning of a new lunar year, and for 2023, it's the Year of the [Fill in Chinese Zodiac].

🍲 Family Reunion Dinner: Just like Thanksgiving in the U.S., families often travel great distances to come together for a special dinner, hoping to bring luck and prosperity into the new year.

🐲 Dragon and Lion Dances: Public festivities usually include lively dragon and lion dances, thought to scare away evil spirits and attract good fortune. Expect fireworks 🎆 and loud drums 🥁!

🧧 Red Envelopes: It's a tradition to gift red envelopes (hóngbāo) filled with money to kids and sometimes even to employees, as a symbol of luck and blessings 🍀.

Common greetings for the holiday include "Gong Xi Fa Cai" 🍊 in Mandarin or "Gong Hey Fat Choy" 🍊 in Cantonese for "Wishing you great happiness and prosperity," as well as "Xin Nian Kuai Le" 🎈 or "San Nin Fai Lok" 🎈 for "Happy New Year."

Please note, our offices in the countries observing this holiday will be closed. If you are unsure whether your office observes this holiday, please check with your local People Team. 🗓️

Wishing you all a prosperous and joyful new year! 🎉

Thank you,

People Team

Celebrating Chinese New Year/Spring Festival!
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Hi all,

Today marks Chinese New Year, or Spring Festival. It's also known as Lunar New Year. It's the start of the lunar new year and 2023 is the Year of the [Fill in Chinese Zodiac].

Common greetings include "Gong Xi Fa Cai" in Mandarin or "Gong Hey Fat Choy" in Cantonese to wish others happiness and prosperity!

Please note, our offices in the countries observing this holiday will be closed. If you are unsure whether your office observes this holiday, please check with your local People Team.

Wishing you a prosperous, happy, and healthy new year!

Thank you,

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
On Chinese New Year or during the Spring Festival (begins at the new moon based on the lunar calendar and falls between 21 January and 20 February)
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
Chinese New Year is coming up!
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Hi everyone,

We are writing to remind you that the Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is coming up in about a week. This is a significant holiday observed by several of our international offices and we wanted to ensure you are aware of the upcoming changes to our regular operations.

Offices based in the following countries that observe this holiday will be out of office: China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, South Korea, and Brunei. Please note that these offices will not be operational during the holiday period and plan your work accordingly.

Thank you,

People Team

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How to celebrate Chinese New Year at work

Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival, is the most important traditional holiday in China. It's celebrated on the first day of the Chinese lunar calendar, usually between January 21 and February 20. Countries that observe this holiday and give time off include China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and South Korea. Unless you want to address Chinese New Year specifically, we recommend checking out our "Lunar New Year" holiday moment or "Korean New Year" moment as well to address this globally celebrated holiday!

Recognizing and celebrating diverse holidays like Chinese New Year in global teams fosters inclusivity and respect for cultural diversity. It also enhances team cohesion and boosts morale, as employees feel valued and acknowledged for their unique backgrounds and traditions.

• Organize a virtual Chinese New Year party with traditional music and games.

• Encourage team members to share their personal experiences or traditions related to the holiday.

• Arrange a Chinese food day where employees can share their favorite recipes or dishes.

Inspiration from other companies

Want to celebrate diverse holidays like Chinese New Year in a truly meaningful way? Reach out to ChangeEngine to help you curate engaging and inclusive holidays for your team.