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Observing Holy Thursday
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Hi everyone,

We'd like to take a moment to acknowledge Holy Thursday, a significant day within the Christian Holy Week. 

This day commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles and the initiation of the Eucharist. Holy Thursday serves as a profound reminder of service, sacrifice, and community. 

Two key aspects of this day are the washing of the feet, symbolizing humility and service, and the evening Mass, which anticipates the events of Good Friday. 

Embracing such moments of reflection and gratitude in our shared history can bring us closer, fostering unity and mutual respect. 

On this day, let us all remember the importance of service and community. 

Please note, our offices in the countries observing this holiday will be closed. If you are unsure whether your office observes this holiday, please check with your local People Team.

Thank you,

People Team

Observing Holy Thursday
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Hi everyone, 👋

It's Holy Thursday today. It's an important day in the Christian calendar, marking the Last Supper and highlighting powerful messages about service and unity.

Ever heard about the foot-washing ritual? It’s all about humility and caring for one another.

Please note, our offices in the countries observing this holiday will be closed. If you are unsure whether your office observes this holiday, please check with your local People Team.

For teammates taking the day to observe, enjoy your moment of reflection.

Thank you,

People Team

Observing Holy Thursday
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Hi all,

It's Holy Thursday today. It marks Jesus' Last Supper and emphasizes service.

Please note, our offices in the countries observing this holiday will be closed. If you are unsure whether your office observes this holiday, please check with your local People Team.

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
On Holy Thursday (fifth day of Holy Week and usually falls on or between March 19 and April 22)
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
Holy Thursday is coming up!
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Hi everyone,

Holy Thursday is just about a week away. 

Our colleagues in countries like Spain, Mexico, Colombia, and the Philippines, among others, will be Out Of Office to observe this sacred day within the Christian Holy Week.

As you schedule and plan, please be mindful of this. And to our teammates who will be observing, remember to set up your vacation reminders in your emails.

Enjoy the reflection and the well-deserved time off!

Thank you!

People Team

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How to observe Holy Thursday at work

Holy Thursday, falling within the Christian Holy Week, is celebrated annually on the Thursday before Easter. This significant day commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his Apostles and the institution of the Eucharist. Across the globe, countries like Spain, Mexico, Colombia, the Philippines, and many parts of Latin America observe Holy Thursday with religious events, processions, and ceremonies, leading to nationwide closures of institutions and businesses.

In multi-cultural corporate environments, acknowledging Holy Thursday promotes respect for diverse religious practices and beliefs, fostering inclusivity. It offers an opportunity for education and understanding of global traditions. As teams become more global and diverse, recognizing such shared moments in history can cultivate unity, mutual respect, and cooperation.

Ideas for observing Holy Thursday at work:

  • Service Activity: Emulate the teachings of humility and service by organizing a charitable activity or community service for the team.
  • Storytelling Session: Invite employees to share their personal traditions or experiences related to Holy Thursday, fostering cultural exchange.
  • Break Bread Together: Organize a communal mealtime, reminiscent of the Last Supper, to bring employees together in a spirit of togetherness and reflection.

Inspiration from other companies

Want to make sure you are acknowledging diverse holidays and days of observance with your team? Contact ChangeEngine for guidance on streamlining respectful, timely, informational, and meaningful DEIB and holiday communications.