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Celebrating Brazilian Independence Day
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Hi everyone,

Today is Brazil Independence Day, also known as Dia da Independência or Sete de Setembro. This is a significant day in Brazil's history and is celebrated with great enthusiasm and national pride.

About this day:

  • Brazil Independence Day is celebrated on September 7th each year.
  • It commemorates Brazil's declaration of independence from Portugal on September 7, 1822.
  • The day is marked with military parades, concerts, and fireworks across the country.
  • The main event takes place in Brasília, where the President attends a military parade.

Please note that our offices based in Brazil will be closed in observance of this holiday. We encourage everyone to take this opportunity to learn more about Brazil's rich history and culture.

Thank you,

People Team

Celebrating Brazilian Independence Day
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Hey everyone,

Happy Brazil Independence Day (Dia da Independência)! 🎉 This special day is celebrated every year on September 7th, marking Brazil's independence from Portugal in 1822. 🇧🇷

About this historic day:

  • The declaration of independence was made by Dom Pedro I near the Ipiranga brook in São Paulo.
  • The iconic phrase "Independence or Death" (Independência ou Morte) is associated with this event.
  • The first independent capital of Brazil was Rio de Janeiro, later moved to Brasília in 1960.

Please note, our offices in Brazil will be closed in observance of this holiday. We encourage everyone to take a moment to appreciate the rich history and culture of our Brazilian colleagues. 🇧🇷

Thank you,

People Team

Celebrating Brazilian Independence Day
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Hi all,

Today, we celebrate Brazil Independence Day (Dia da Independidade), observed annually on September 7th. This day marks Brazil's declaration of independence from Portugal in 1822.

  • The holiday is marked by patriotic displays, parades, and fireworks.
  • The main event is the civic military parade in Brasília.
  • The Cry of Ipiranga, "Independence or Death", is a significant phrase associated with this day.

Please note, our offices in Brazil will be closed in observance of this holiday. We encourage everyone to learn more about this significant day in Brazilian history.

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
On Brazilian Independence Day (September 7th)
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
Brazilian Independence Day is coming up!
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Hi everyone,

We are writing to remind you that Brazil Independence Day, also known as Dia da Independência, is coming up in about a week, specifically on September 7th.

As you may know, this is a public holiday in Brazil, and as such, our offices based in Brazil will be closed in observance of this day. We kindly ask that you plan your work and communication accordingly, taking into account that our colleagues in Brazil will be out of office.

Please note that this holiday is observed only in Brazil. Therefore, our offices in other countries will operate as usual.

Thank you,

People Team

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How to celebrate Brazilian Independence Day at work

Brazil Independence Day, also known as Dia da Independência, is celebrated annually on September 7th. This public holiday is observed in Brazil, where businesses and schools are closed to commemorate the occasion. Dia da Independência marks Brazil's declaration of independence from Portugal in 1822.

Recognizing diverse holidays like Dia da Independência in global teams fosters inclusivity and respect for cultural differences. It also enhances team cohesion and understanding, promoting a more harmonious and productive work environment.

Ideas for celebrating Dia da Independência at work:

  • Organize a Brazilian-themed potluck
  • Host a virtual presentation about Brazil's history and culture
  • Encourage employees to wear green and yellow, the colors of Brazil's flag.

Inspiration from other companies

Ready to celebrate Brazil Independence Day (Dia da Independência) with a bang? Contact ChangeEngine today and let's honor diversity in the most memorable way!