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Updates: Evolving Our Branding Pillars for a Bright Future
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Hi everyone, 

We are thrilled to share some exciting news regarding changes to our company's branding pillars, including messaging, voice, values, and mission. These updates reflect our commitment to continuous improvement and aligning our brand with the evolving needs of our customers, industry trends, and our vision for the future.

Why the Changes Occurred

Over the past few months, we've conducted extensive research, gathered valuable feedback from both internal and external stakeholders, and closely examined market dynamics. This comprehensive assessment has provided us with valuable insights, leading us to make strategic adjustments to our branding pillars. 

The goal is to better resonate with our audience, showcase our unique strengths, and position our company as a leader in our industry.

Key Highlights of the Changes

Messaging: Our updated messaging aims to more effectively communicate the value we bring to our customers. It is crafted to resonate with our target audience, addressing their needs and aspirations in a clear and compelling manner.

Voice: We are refining our brand voice to ensure consistency and authenticity across all communication channels. This will enhance the overall experience for our customers and stakeholders, making our brand more relatable and trustworthy.

Values: Our core values are a reflection of who we are as a company and guide our decision-making. The updated values align more closely with our organizational culture, fostering collaboration, innovation, and a shared commitment to excellence.

Mission: Our mission is our guiding star, driving us forward. The refined mission statement encapsulates our dedication to creating value for our customers, empowering our employees, and making a positive impact on the communities we serve.

Change brings opportunities, and we see these updates as a celebration of the exciting possibilities that lie ahead. The adjustments to our branding pillars will empower us to:

  • Connect Better: The refined messaging and voice will help us connect more authentically with our audience, strengthening our relationships and understanding of their needs.

  • Inspire Innovation: Our updated values will inspire a culture of innovation and collaboration, fostering an environment where every team member feels empowered to contribute their best ideas.

  • Drive Impact: With a clarified mission, we are more focused than ever on creating meaningful impact – for our customers, our employees, and the communities we serve.

We understand that change can raise questions, and we want to ensure that everyone is on board. In the coming weeks, we will be hosting informational sessions and workshops to provide more insights into these changes and answer any queries you may have.

Thank you for your dedication and commitment. We are confident that these updates will propel us towards a brighter and more successful future.

Here's to our continued growth and success!

Warm Regards, 

People Team

Updates: Evolving Our Branding Pillars for a Bright Future
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Hey everyone,

Exciting news ahead!

We've revamped some key aspects of our company's brand – messaging, voice, values, and mission. These changes are all about staying fresh and meeting the evolving needs of our customers and industry.

So, why the change?

We've done our homework – research, feedback from inside and out, and market analysis. It's given us some solid insights, leading us to tweak our brand strategy.

Here's the scoop:

Messaging: We're updating our messaging to better communicate our value to customers – addressing their needs and aspirations in a clear and compelling way.

Voice: Our brand voice is getting a makeover for consistency and authenticity across all channels – making us more relatable and trustworthy.

Values: We're refining our core values to better reflect our company culture – fostering collaboration, innovation, and excellence.

Mission: Our mission is our roadmap – guiding us towards creating value for customers, empowering our team, and making a positive impact.

What's in it for us?

  • Better connections: Our updated messaging and voice will help us connect more authentically with our audience.
  • Inspiring innovation: Our values will foster a culture of innovation and collaboration.
  • Driving impact: With a clarified mission, we're more focused on creating meaningful impact.

Change can raise questions, so let's chat. We'll be hosting sessions to dive deeper into these changes and answer any questions you might have.

Thanks for being awesome – we're excited about where these updates will take us.


[Your Name/People Team]

Updates: Evolving Our Branding Pillars for a Bright Future
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Hey everyone,

Exciting news!

We've revamped our brand – messaging, voice, values, and mission. It's about staying fresh and meeting our customers' changing needs.

Why the change?

Research, feedback, and market analysis led us to tweak our brand strategy.

Here's the deal:

Messaging: We're updating to better communicate our value to customers – addressing their needs clearly.

Voice: Our brand voice is more consistent and authentic – making us trustworthy.

Values: We're refining to reflect our culture – fostering collaboration and innovation.

Mission: Guiding us to create value for customers and empower our team.

What's in it for us?

  • Better connections: Our messaging and voice will connect us with our audience.
  • Inspiring innovation: Our values will foster a culture of innovation.
  • Driving impact: Our mission focuses on creating meaningful change.

Let's chat about any questions. We'll host sessions soon.

Thanks for being awesome – we're excited!


[Your Name/People Team]

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
On day of announcing changes to company culture and/or values
Recommended Channel:
Work Email
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How to announce changes to company culture or values

In the dynamic landscape of business, companies often find themselves evolving to meet new challenges, seize opportunities, or adapt to changing market dynamics. One aspect that may transform is the company's core values, mission statement, or cultural pillars. Communicating and aligning employees with these shifts is crucial for fostering a united and engaged workforce. 

Here are some tips for effectively sharing updates or changes in these fundamental aspects of your organization.

1. Open and Transparent Communication

Start by being open and transparent about the reasons behind the shifts in core values, mission, or cultural pillars. Clearly articulate the factors that have led to these changes, whether they are driven by market trends, feedback from stakeholders, or internal assessments. Transparency builds trust and helps employees understand the context for the shifts.

2. Clearly Define the Changes

Clearly outline the specific updates or shifts in your core values, mission statement, or cultural pillars. Provide tangible examples or scenarios that illustrate how these changes will manifest in day-to-day operations. This clarity ensures that employees have a concrete understanding of what is expected and valued in the new organizational framework.

3. Connect Changes to Company Vision

Reinforce how the updated core values, mission, or cultural pillars align with the company's broader vision and long-term goals. Help employees see the connection between these foundational elements and the organization's overall strategy. This alignment fosters a sense of purpose and unity among the workforce.

4. Seek Employee Input

Actively involve employees in the process by seeking their input and feedback on the proposed changes. This not only empowers employees but also helps in identifying potential concerns or misunderstandings. A collaborative approach encourages ownership and commitment to the new values and mission.

5. Provide Training and Resources

Offer training sessions or resources that help employees understand and embody the updated core values, mission, or cultural pillars. This could include workshops, online modules, or interactive sessions that provide practical guidance on how these changes translate into everyday behaviors and decisions.

6. Lead by Example

Leadership plays a pivotal role in driving cultural shifts. Leaders should exemplify the desired values and behaviors, demonstrating a commitment to the organization's mission. When employees see leadership embracing the changes, it sets a powerful example for the entire workforce.

7. Celebrate Success Stories

Share success stories that highlight instances where employees have embodied the updated core values or mission. Celebrating these stories not only recognizes individual and team efforts but also reinforces the positive impact of the cultural shifts.

8. Foster an Ongoing Dialogue

Establish channels for ongoing dialogue about the changes. Encourage employees to share their experiences, ask questions, and provide insights. This continuous conversation helps in addressing concerns promptly and ensures that everyone feels heard throughout the transition.

Aligning employees with shifts in core values, mission statements, or cultural pillars requires a strategic and thoughtful approach, however, organizations can successfully navigate these changes, fostering a culture of adaptability and collective purpose.

Inspiration from other companies

Connect with ChangeEngine to ensure your holiday messages are inclusive and culturally sensitive.