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Please join us in recognizing volunteers in our workforce!
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Hi everyone,

On this Volunteer Recognition Day, we would like to take this opportunity to recognize and appreciate the efforts of valuable volunteers.

Volunteers play a crucial role in supporting various initiatives and organizations, and we are grateful for the dedication and commitment of our volunteers. They have gone above and beyond to make a positive impact in our communities.

However, there’s been one standout employee who we felt deserved a special mention.

Thank you to {{first_name}}, who goes the extra mile to volunteer in the workplace and communities.

If you would like to nominate another peer for recognition for their contributions as a volunteer, please email your manager with their name and why you feel they deserve acknowledgment.

Thank you, 

People Team

Please join us in recognizing volunteers in our workforce!
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Hey everyone 👋

On this Volunteer Recognition Day, we would like to take this opportunity to recognize and appreciate the efforts of our valuable volunteers in the workplace. 👏

Volunteers play a crucial role in supporting various initiatives and organizations, and we are grateful for the dedication and commitment of our volunteers. They have gone above and beyond to make a positive impact in our communities. ❣️

However, there was one volunteer who we felt deserved a special spotlight. Thank you to {{first_name}} for your contributions to our workplace and communities. Your generosity and efforts inspire us to do more and spread more goodness. ❤️

If you would like to nominate a peer for recognition for their contributions as a volunteer, please email your manager with their name and why you feel they deserve acknowledgment. 🏅

Thank you! 🙏 

Your People Team

Please join us in recognizing volunteers in our workforce!
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Hi all,

Today is Volunteer Recognition Day, and we would like to take this opportunity to recognize and appreciate the efforts of our valuable volunteers in the workplace.

We would like to show our appreciation to encourage you to personally  thank one standout co-worker who went the extra mile to volunteer and inspired us all. Thank you to {{first_name}} for all of your contributions to our workplace and communities.

If you would like to nominate a peer and recognize for recognition for their contributions as a volunteer, please email your manager with their name and why you feel they deserve acknowledgment.

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
On Volunteer Recognition Day (April 20)
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
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How to highlight an employee at work

Volunteer Recognition Day is an important day to recognize and appreciate the efforts of volunteers who dedicate their time and skills to help others. In the workplace, volunteers play a vital role in supporting various initiatives and organizations.

This is an excellent opportunity to appreciate and thank employees who volunteer their time and skills to make a difference. 

Here are some tips for recognizing volunteers on Volunteer Recognition Day:

  1. Thank You Note: A handwritten thank you note is a simple yet effective way to show gratitude towards volunteers. It shows that their efforts are appreciated and valued.
  2. Public Recognition: Publicly recognizing volunteers in the workplace can boost their morale and encourage others to volunteer. You can announce the names of the volunteers during a staff meeting or post their names on a bulletin board.
  3. Certificate of Appreciation: Giving volunteers a certificate of appreciation is a tangible way to recognize their contributions. It is also a great way to show that their efforts are recognized and valued.
  4. Gift Card: Giving a gift card to volunteers is a great way to show appreciation for their efforts. It can be a small gesture but can have a significant impact on volunteers and encourage them to continue their efforts.
  5. Volunteer Awards: Consider creating a volunteer award program to recognize volunteers who have made a significant impact. You can have different categories such as the most hours volunteered, the most innovative idea, or the most significant impact made.

Inspiration from other companies

Looking to recognize your generous volunteers at work in a meaningful way? Book a demo with ChangeEngine today!