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Reminder: {{first_name}}'s birthday is coming up!
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Hi {{manager_first_name}},

{{employee_first_name}}'s birthday is coming up soon! It's a great chance to celebrate and show our appreciation for them as a part of our team.

Looking for some inspiration? EmployeeAppreciator.com has a variety of templates for crafting a warm and thoughtful birthday message. Recognizing their special day is a wonderful way to boost team morale and express our gratitude.

Thoughtful Tip: Personalize your message by mentioning unique qualities or memorable moments that highlight {{employee_first_name}}'s contributions to the team, personally and/or professionally.

Fun Idea: Surprise {{first_name}} with “Happy Birthday” themed Zoom backgrounds during the next team call. It's a simple yet delightful way to make their day extra special.

Best wishes,

People Team

Reminder: {{first_name}}'s birthday is coming up!
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Hi {{manager_first_name}}! 🎉

{{employee_first_name}}'s birthday is coming up soon! 🥳 It's the perfect time to throw some love and appreciation their way and celebrate them being an awesome part of our team.

Need a spark of creativity? Head over to EmployeeAppreciator.com for some super fun templates to cook up a warm, personal birthday message. 💌 It’s a fabulous way to lift spirits and show we care.

Pro Tip: Make your message extra special by mentioning those unique traits or fun memories that showcase {{employee_first_name}}'s amazing contributions both personally and professionally. 🌟

Cool Idea: jazz up our next team call with matching “Happy Birthday” Zoom backgrounds to surprise {{first_name}}! It’s a sweet and simple way to add some pizzazz to their day. 🎈🖥️

Best vibes,

People Team

Reminder: {{first_name}}'s birthday is coming up!
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Hi {{manager_first_name}},

{{employee_first_name}}'s birthday is coming up!

Let’s show our appreciation with a personal touch. For ideas, visit EmployeeAppreciator.com for birthday message templates. 

Tip: Personalizing your message with memorable moments or unique qualities of {{employee_first_name}} will make a bigger and more heartfelt impact.


People Team

Individual Employee
Recommended Send Time:
3 days before Direct Report's Birthday
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams 1:1
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How to make sure managers remember their employees' birthdays

Automated reminders for managers about their direct reports' birthdays are an invaluable tool in fostering a caring and connected workplace culture. Such reminders ensure that key milestones like birthdays, work anniversaries, and significant achievements are not overlooked in the hustle and bustle of daily tasks. By receiving timely notifications, managers can prepare thoughtful gestures or acknowledgments, demonstrating appreciation and recognition for their team members. This not only strengthens the bond between managers and their teams but also boosts morale and creates a sense of belonging among employees. In essence, these automated reminders serve as a simple yet effective way to nurture a supportive and attentive work environment.

Utilizing templates from EmployeeAppreciator.com can significantly enhance the impact of managers' appreciation messages to their direct reports. When commemorating special occasions like birthdays, work anniversaries, or promotions, these templates offer a foundation for crafting thoughtful and well-structured messages. However, the true magic lies in personalization. By adding customized visuals and tailoring the message to reflect the individual's personality, achievements, and the unique bond they share with the team, managers can transform a standard note into a memorable and heartfelt expression of gratitude. This personal touch not only makes each employee feel valued and recognized but also reinforces a positive and inclusive workplace culture. It's this blend of professional structure and personal sentiment that makes appreciation messages truly impactful.

Inspiration from other companies

Don't miss a beat with your team's milestones! 🌟 Contact ChangeEngine today to automate reminders and celebrate every important moment. 📅✨ Make recognition effortless!