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Let’s get started on your parental leave plan
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Hi {{first_name}},

Congratulations! Parenthood is a rewarding life stage, and it’s exciting no matter how many children you welcome into your family. {{Company}} values family and your ability to find balance, taking time to be home with your family during this momentous occasion.

To ensure you get the most out of your time away from the office, you’ll want to start planning your parental leave now. Plan to meet with your manager this week to begin developing your transition plan together.

This is the time to share updates since your first meeting such as timing, restrictions, or special requests that need to be approved before you take leave. Bring a list of projects, tasks, and important events that need to be managed while you’re away. It would also be helpful to provide recommendations of team members you trust could pick up these responsibilities when you go on leave

Some questions you might consider during this meeting:

  • What needs to be completed before I go on leave and what help do I need to complete these activities (and from whom)?
  • What are the key projects/tasks I am working on that will need to continue through my leave?
  • What cover do I think is required to ensure my role and its requirements are met during my leave?
  • How would I like to communicate this transition to customers/vendors I work with?

The next step will be to set an action plan with your manager so we can help you reach your goals before you transition to parental leave. Let’s get you ready to go off and enjoy this happy time.

Thank you,

People Team

Let’s get started on your parental leave plan
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Big congrats are in order! 🎉

At {{Company}}, we value family and know the importance of finding that sweet balance in life, especially during these amazing moments.

To make the most of your time away, put on your planning hat and start mapping out your parental leave adventure! 🗺️ Please schedule a meeting with your manager to share all the exciting updates—timing, any restrictions, or special requests that need the green light before you embark on your leave. You've got this! 👍

Keep these things in mind for your meeting:

🚀 What tasks need to be wrapped up before I go on leave, and who can lend a hand?

🚀 Which tasks will need to keep rolling while I'm away?

🚀 What kind of support or coverage do we need to make sure my role's requirements are met during my leave?

🚀 How should we communicate this smooth transition to the awesome customers and vendors I work with?

Once you've chatted with your manager, we'll set up an action plan to help you achieve those goals and make sure you're all set to enjoy this incredible time. We're here to support you every step of the way! 😄

Thank you for being amazing and congratulations again!

Let’s get started on your parental leave plan
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Hi {{first_name}},

Congratulations! Parenthood is a rewarding life stage. {{Company}} values family and your ability to find balance, taking time to be home with your family during this momentous occasion.

To get the most out of your time away from the office, you’ll want to start planning your parental leave now. Plan to meet with your manager this week to begin developing your transition plan together.

The next step will be to set an action plan so we can help you reach your goals before you transition to parental leave. Let’s get you ready to go off and enjoy this happy time.

People Team

Individual Employee
Recommended Send Time:
2 months before parental leave starts
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams 1:1
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Hi {{first_name}},

Just checking in before you schedule your meeting with {{employee_name}} to discuss their parental leave transition plan. First and foremost, this is an exciting time for your employee, but also a potentially stressful time for them in and out of the office. We must work together with {{employee_name}} to ease the transition.

In the next few days, block out 30 minutes to sit together and go over their questions and concerns, discuss updates since your first meeting, and lay the groundwork for a transition plan. 

Questions you should consider asking your employee include:

  • Are there additional resources you can provide to help with training team members?
  • Are there tasks you can take off the employee’s plate while they train team members?

A few questions you want to consider during your meeting may include: 

  • Will projects/customers be temporarily or permanently transitioned to someone else?
  • Does your team have the resources to perform the work in their absence or will you need additional staff?
  • On what timeline do you need to coordinate with people who will pick up project work to allow sufficient time for training?

Try uncovering tentative needs for time, tools, and support while {{employee_name}} prepares for parental leave. Your next meeting in 4 weeks will be to define action items. Reach out following your meeting if there is anything I can do to help with the transition plan.

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How to prepare employees for parental leave

Parental leave has been regulated by Federal and State labor laws since the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. This benefit guarantees 12 weeks of unpaid leave annually for mothers of newborn or newly adopted children if they work for a company with 50 or more employees.

Personal milestones play an important role in employees’ development and overall happiness. It’s important to recognize workers' achievements and experiences and support their growth in and out of the workplace. Some companies offer parental leave to all new parents, but only 20% of all employees have access to paid parental leave.

Celebrating personal milestones with employees is appreciated and encouraged. Cards, gift cards, gifts, and parties help employees feel valued. But support from team members and leaders and access to paid time off is what new parents need most to ease the transition and regulate work life balance long term.

Be sure to start transition plans early so team members can be trained to pick up tasks or temporary staffing and solutions can be put into place. Ease stress for new parents by helping them feel confident they are not a burden on the team and that they can return to work with their role and tasks in order. Early and thorough planning ensures everyone feels prepared when a team member takes parental leave.

Inspiration from other companies

Need helping managing employees going on parental leave and want to support new parents at work? Contact ChangeEngine for guidance!