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Let's Spread the Love: Celebrating World Kindness Day Together!
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Hi everyone,

Today, we celebrate World Kindness Day, a global day that promotes the importance of being kind to each other. To commemorate this day, we encourage everyone to perform small acts of kindness towards your colleagues. It could be as simple as sending a thank you email or sharing a positive feedback.

For our remote team members, consider sending a virtual appreciation card or setting up a quick video call to express your gratitude. Remember, kindness can be shared regardless of physical distance.

Did you know that World Kindness Day is celebrated in over 28 countries worldwide? Let's join this global movement and spread kindness in our workplace.

Thank you,

People Team

Let's Spread the Love: Celebrating World Kindness Day Together!
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Hey everyone,

Happy World Kindness Day! 🌍💕 Today is all about spreading love and positivity. Did you know this holiday was introduced by the World Kindness Movement in 1998?

Let's celebrate together! We encourage you to perform a random act of kindness for a colleague. It could be as simple as sending a thank you email or sharing a compliment. 💌

For our remote team, consider a virtual coffee break ☕ or a surprise e-gift card. 🎁 It's the thought that counts!

Remember, kindness is contagious, so let's start an epidemic! 😊

Thank you,

People Team

Let's Spread the Love: Celebrating World Kindness Day Together!
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Hi all,

Today, we celebrate World Kindness Day, a global holiday dedicated to promoting kindness in all its forms. Did you know this holiday was introduced by the World Kindness Movement in 1998?

Let's celebrate together! At work, we encourage you to perform a random act of kindness for a colleague. It could be as simple as a compliment or offering help with a task. For our remote team, consider sending a thoughtful email or virtual card to brighten someone's day.

Let's spread kindness and make our workplace even more positive!

People Team

All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
Day of World Kindness Day (November 13th)
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
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How to celebrate World Kindness Day at work

World Kindness Day is a global observance that promotes the importance of being kind to each other, to oneself, and to the world. Celebrated annually on November 13, it encourages individuals to overlook boundaries, race, and religion and celebrate the commonality of kindness.

Recognizing diverse and meaningful holidays like World Kindness Day fosters a sense of connection and engagement among employees. It not only promotes a positive work environment but also boosts morale, productivity, and overall job satisfaction.

To celebrate World Kindness Day at work, consider the following:

  • Organize a team volunteering activity
  • Encourage employees to share acts of kindness they've experienced
  • Create a kindness board where employees can post positive messages.

Inspiration from other companies

Ready to spread kindness like confetti? Contact ChangeEngine today and let's make every day feel like World Kindness Day!