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Open Enrollment Check-In: Have You Reviewed Your Benefits Yet?
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Open Enrollment Check-In: Have You Reviewed Your Benefits Yet?
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Hey everyone,

Hope you’re all doing well! It’s been a week since we kicked off our Open Enrollment period, and we just wanted to check in. 🌞 Have you had a chance to look at your benefits options and make your selections? If not, no worries, but don’t let it slip too far down on your to-do list!

Remember, reviewing your benefits is crucial to ensure you and your family are set up for the year ahead. There might be new perks or changes that could really make a difference for you. 🌈

The deadline is [insert deadline here], so there’s still time, but why wait? Avoid the last-minute rush and give yourself the peace of mind knowing it’s all sorted. 🏃‍♂️💨

If you’re feeling a bit lost or have questions, we’re here for you. Reach out, and let’s make this process as easy as pie. 🥧

Let’s all aim to get this checked off our list soon. Your future self will thank you!

Thank you,

People Team

Open Enrollment Check-In: Have You Reviewed Your Benefits Yet?
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All Employees
Recommended Send Time:
1 week after Open Enrollment Starts
Recommended Channel:
Slack/MS Teams Channel
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Reminder for employees to complete Open Enrollment

Sending reminders about open enrollment to employees is crucial because it helps ensure that everyone has the opportunity to review, update, or choose their health insurance and other benefits for the upcoming year. Life can get busy, and deadlines can sneak up on us. A reminder serves as a gentle nudge to employees to take action, ensuring they don't miss out on potentially critical coverage or beneficial changes to their plans. It emphasizes the importance of their well-being and financial security, reinforcing the company's commitment to supporting its employees' health and overall quality of life.

Moreover, reminders can help reduce confusion and stress by providing essential information and deadlines, along with offering assistance for any questions or concerns. This proactive communication can increase employee engagement with their benefits, leading to more informed decisions that align with their needs and circumstances. In turn, it fosters a positive workplace culture where employees feel valued and supported, ultimately contributing to higher satisfaction and retention.

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